Lisa Gawlas: Multidimensional Self’s, Interplanetary Beings and Big Balls of Creation!!

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lisagawlas2Written by Lisa Gawlas | Thanks to Lucas2012infos.

I should have known by the way I woke up yesterday, it was gonna be a super intense day.  I woke up the first time about 3 am with this strange pressure in my head, like my brain was expanding.  Looking out my window, the full moon was streaming into my window and then I found my way back to sleep, only to wake up a 4:45 with that same pressure, but with additives.  Ya know that place where you are no longer asleep, but not all the way awake yet, that where this happened.

I could see this funnel of white light coming into my third eye, with that light, the pressure in my cranium intensified.  Then, I was looking at this thing, maybe a thin holographic version of an iPad or tablet viewing something that looked like facebook, but wasn’t facebook.  It was showing me one of my appointments for the day “Bill Willard.”  I knew it was not a mistake or typo, but I also knew it meant Bill Ballard.  Especially since he was literally on my agenda for the day.

As I got up and the pressure in my head subsided, I realized that an aspect of him that lives on a very different dimension than ours, really wanted to get my attention, and it did.  But I will get to that in a moment.  (smile)

My first lady on the field, Holy Flipping Cow batman!!  I barely stuck my antenna out into the field and picked up the loudest crack of thunder i had ever heard, on earth or in a reading.  What the hell is that??  After I pulled myself back together again, shock from the loud loud loud noise knocked me off my rocker a bit… I seen where it came from.  Two massive balls of energy at the very top center of her magnetosphere, from here on out, we are gonna call this the “cathedral of creation” (per spirits request.)

Altho they did resemble really dark storm clouds, perfectly spherical and did I mention HUGE, they had nothing to do with storms, even tho, right directly between my ladies big balls (and yes, all I could hear from that moment on was AC/DC singing “We got big balls, even that had meaning, but I will get to that in a moment too) was this really large single bolt of lightning.

My field of vision right now must be capped at about 10 feet above the “cathedral of creation.”  Her lightening bolt came from as far up as I could see and was starting to petrude into the center opening of her cathedral of creation, but it was her flipping big balls that had my attention!!  Talk about some incoming masculine/creator energy (giggle.)

Since there was no feeling of what I was seeing having anything to do with an incoming storm in her life, I had to understand those massive balls that were situated right and left (north and south.)  I realized this was her mastery thru every incarnation she has ever had, all rolled up into two cloud like balls of energy.  But it got even more interesting as I peered deeper.

The ball on the left was every past life she ever had on earth, every ounce of mastery, every iota of wisdom and experience thru it all was rolled up in that HUGE looking round cloud of energy.  I eventually was able to see what looked like our circulatory system in our body’s.  There were main arteries that represents very profound lifetimes that connected together.  Then off the main artery were tons of little veins that I understood represented those lifetimes that were learning lessons designed purposely to clear or maybe better stated, bring light to area’s that still housed darkness.  We can call those rough lifetimes.  If we do not live as darkness, we will never fully understand our Lightness.

As I switched my vision to her right ball, I could still see the arteries and veins, but with a very different layout.  A lot of them were coming down from way above her cathedral of creation.  I realized this is where all of her off planet lifetimes are coming in as well as all of her future lifetimes.  All meeting directly over her center field of creation, with a really really loud bang I might add!!!

The lightening itself was the electrical current needed and it was a constant lightening bolt, it never went away.  But this morning I am realizing that it intensifies as these two balls bang together to release its contents into her field of life, which equally intensifies the current of energy/lightning coming into her as well.   Hence hearing the band known for its diverse electrical current AC/DC (plus I really love that song too and it fit!! lol)   How this all plays out is going to be sooooo exciting to witness!!

I do not mean to undervalue my second connection of the day, but I have so much to share about my last two and I only have so much time to do this sharing in, I am going to skip to my third man who woke me up with a brain bulge, our beloved Bill Ballard (also known as Bill Willard in other dimension… smile)

I have decided, there is something so out of time about this man.  The first connection I ever had with him was on February 2nd, and everything about time just stopped existing.  Let me tell you, for a gal who has appointments back to back, I have no choice to be very aware of time so I do not show up late for anyone.  Unless Billy boy is scheduled.  I don’t know what the hell happened, I check and double-check my appointment times and somehow, I lodged him in my mind as 10:30 am.

I knew it was going to be a mind expanding journey again, especially given how I woke up.  I decided to eat something before our connection and mistakenly thinking he was at 10:30 gave me an hour to prepare some food and eat it.  About 10 minutes before our connection time, that crazy brain pressure started happening again.  I knew it was his fault!! (smile)  It wasn’t until we were once again (happened on the 2nd as well) an hour into our 30 minute session together that I realized I went wayyyy over time and missed completely my 11 am appointment (I missed my 9 am appointment on the 2nd.)  Let me tell you, I am usually anal about my appointment times, except with this man.  Time simply does not exist!!

As I cranked my antenna out into the field, directly on top of his cathedral of creation is what I thought was a massive pin ball (like the silver balls in a pin ball machine.)  Keeping in mind, my field of vision only goes so high, so I really only seen the bottom part and assumed (shame on me) that what I was seeing (given my big balls lady) was completely spherical as it went up.  Not even close!!

The only thing I initially understood was the intense inter-dimensional frequency that was contained in his massive pin ball like thingie on his cathedral.  He started talking about 3D printers and a desire to create a spaceship.  That’s when that shiny silver thing started to present itself beyond my idea of a pinball.  What I didn’t even realize yesterday, but do now, is that a part of that silver thing came into my kitchen for a closer look at what I was seeing.  Now anything showing up in a reading, in my kitchen represents its biological creation in our lives.  Meaning for him, he truly can help to bring this full on concept into our reality Here.  I watched as this piece of silver went from solid to pliable enough to fold up into many sections.

Then I realized why my brain hurt, science started coming thru a brain that just does not house that technical energy!!  I have watched many shows that were about prodigies and how they see mathematical equations in their field of vision.  Well, this poor girl started to have all these things, what I came to understand were parts of the periodic table.  It was as if this large holographic screen just opened up above my computer (he was on skype, so I was looking at him as i was sharing what was coming thru) and these elements started floating all around.  The only one I could capture was a K with a small 2 at the bottom of the K.  Many were blurred out and I could not see them clearly, probably cuz I was in brain boggle and bitching that I am bringing thru science, it makes my brain hurt!!

As our conversation danced around many subjects, the one thing he got a good talking to from spirit was that he was still clearing stuff.  I have got to share this with all of you as strongly as it was shared with him, and I am going to use the same analogy as was used with him too. (smile)

Let’s say we scrubbed our bathroom from top to bottom, and we go back in and find a smudge, clean it, go back in, find another smudge, clean it, eventually we start creating smudges to clean because that is what we are focused on.  STOP IT!!  We are so endowed with creator energy now that what we seek, we create.  Stick a band-aide over your smudges, stop looking at it, and start working the new energies.  Please.

We will never bring in the multidimensional new abilities if we keep picking at our past.

Remember, we ALL got an A to start with.  We all arrived here in Eden, Shambhala, the new earth (pick a noun) our job is to remain Here.  We do that by assimilating the new frequencies, understandings, wisdom’s and ACTION.  If you keep your focus on your past, you will eventually go back to where your focus is.  DOES NOT NEED TO HAPPEN THAT WAY!!  Just sayin…..!!!

Let me tell you, I know nothing about the periodic table except there is one and it has something to do with the elements.  I don’t even know what the elements are, like I said, science is not my gig in this lifetime.  What is funny, as I was watching all these letters and some with numbers, there was good ol’ Einstein reaffirming that I know this stuff.  Einstein has shown up a few times over the years, as Archangel Michael was trying to shove quantum physics into my brain… blah!!  I don’t wanna have to wake up my left brain, thank you very much!! lol

So, as I hurriedly ended my time with Bill, since I realized I was wayyyy late for my next appointment, my brains must have come out my rear.  Holy spiritual release batman.  As I was sitting on that crazy holy toilet, doncha know one more element was placed in my field of vision.  Geez louise, I cannot get away from this!!  Mn.  I googled the periodic table and sure enough, Mn is an element.  Bill already knew K was potassium (and I thought potassium was a fruit) so I popped him an email to get that science out of me and where it belongs… with him!!!

Thank God my precious man in the Netherlands understood my boggle and even was gracious enough to give me an extra 20 minutes to pull myself together.

Well!!  I had forgotten this precious man was my multidimensional elephant feet, kangaroo/rabbit body man.  Holy flipping cow batman.  No wonder my shades were pulled down the day prior, I needed that extra juice to hang in this day!!

There he was, this funny looking creature out in his future.  I was shocked to see him out to the right, no one has yet to present any aspect of future thru our connections, well, until now.  He must have been at least 15 feet (5 meters) forward in time.  I could not get a handle on “what time” he was in, March? April?  I had no idea.  But man, I could see him and his friends clear as day.

He was in what looked like a thin, absolutely clear bubble as he was out there in his future in his ET body.  His team did tell me I am seeing him that way to emphasis his multidimensional presence on earth.  Just on the outside of his clear bubble were more ET’s… what the hell, he brought friends!!

Ohhh but his story got really really really interesting, not to mention so synchronistic with spaceship bill just before him.  His team called him an “Interplanetary Diplomat.”  Those other funny looking creatures (to my eyes) are “Dignitaries” from other planes of existence.  Most of them looked like him, several didn’t at all.  Again, I am going to voice my frustration of not ever working on my ability to draw!!

The closer I looked at his friends from the stars, I realized there was a pattern to their alignment.  What I came to understand as a mathematical frequency.  4 that looked like him all in a row directly in front of his clear bubble, which has got to represent his extended field of creation, and then 3 that didn’t look like him at all directly behind the four, then another 4 directly behind the three and then one straggler.  He was not bumped up against these others, but a few feet behind them and he actually blinked in and out of my field of vision.  Just one. 434+1

His job right now is to really learn the telepathic communication that they emit.  Because this will become a real reality for him.  He will be first contact for these Dignitaries when they are here on earth.  They will not speak in english or even his native tongue, but in energy packages.

His practice thru meditation or day dreaming will start to bring back inter-dimensional understandings, fragments at a time until he is fluid in not only holding the conversation but equally understanding what is coming thru.  His team likened it to what I do right now.  I bring in fragments of your soul wisdom, bit by bit and then string it together for a larger understanding.  He will be doing the a similar thing with his Dignitaries.

What really really got me excited was they ARE coming to earth, once his host is ready.  I couldn’t help but think of the many times I had seen my beautiful Franklyn from the Pleiades walking up the back yard to the door, his wife and daughter with him.  I am praying this is the year it becomes Real!!

Let’s get back to those pesky numbers, alignment of his dignitaries.  It wasn’t enough I had the periodic table floating about in my kitchen, now I am starting to SEE the frequency of each number, of each group of his ET friends.  We realized their formation was important and purposeful.  As I stopped looking at them so much and started paying attention to their number pattern, OMG it was like watching a  sound pattern machine thingie:

sound patterns

There was a literal visual and audible pattern coming thru.  It was extraordinary, but like the science coming thru, this is NOT my gig.  It’s his and his to figure out.  My job is hard enough!! lol

But I do want to mention something that was really prominent on one of my facebook threads the other day.  Many people hearing frequencies in their ears.  Ringing sounds.  I have a feeling, this is connected.

By the time we finished our connection, I was on frequency overload and still had one more appointment left.  My god, I feel like fried potatoes, really crispy ones.  I did try to read for her, and god bless her understanding heart.  I felt like a record that kept skipping.  I could see, but not harness the understanding at all.

On that note, celebrate and expand YOUR multidimensional Self.  Stay out of the past, it no longer exists.  Let’s play and build Eden, Together with our friends from beyond the stars!


((((((HUGZ))))) of expanded realities to ALL!!

Lisa Gawlas

LAST DAY for the LOVERS DAY Special:  Invest in a 30 minute reading for February, receive your March reading at half off.   Special available thru February 15th, 2014  You can also use this special to give away as a unique gift for the lover in your life! / link to original article
