I sat upon my holy toilet yesterday, remembering, with much frustration, the little sliver of a connection I had with my beloved architect yesterday (details shared in my 2nd, “little update” sharing yesterday) and I hear my team say with much excitement: ”Wait til you see March.” Hey!! You teased me enough for one day, geez!!! You cannot say that and not give me a glimpse (ohhh the Leo can still be demanding within!! lol)
What I understand this morning (thanx to a full nights sleep) is how important it is to understand what is happening now or March, the energy frequency that I call March, will simply not happen blindly. Remember, this is a co-creative, conscious endeavor. If we think of it like the progression of school, we cannot walk into a masters program without having at least a working knowledge of everything you learned in high school or college. We would be lost.
So instead of showing me March, I spent the entire day yesterday, understanding, FEELING what is happening now.