Living Abundantly After Self-Realization - The Master Shift

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[SPECIAL REPORT]  Congratulations!  You have awakened to your true nature, Oneness with God/Creation. 

You may or may not still be in the honeymoon phase.  If you’re not sure, symptoms range widely, including, but not limited to:  A general disinterest in most everything you were interested in before; a lack of desire to engage in unnecessary busy-ness and activity; a heightened sense of awareness that includes the recognition of the insanity of the rest of the world; an acute kinship with Nature; exuding an aura of being in love, with no one in particular, but with the same yearning to lie around and do nothing but simply BE LOVE!

Self-realization, essentially, is when you become conscious of being conscious, or moving out of separation consciousness into unity consciousness.  Usually it is preceded by a “dark night of the soul,” or some type of hardship that acts as a catalyst.  As awakening is the falling away of personal limitation so that consciousness can expand, restrictive beliefs and social constructs are the first things to go.  A common concern for the self-realized individual is how to live abundantly within the desire for full immersion into the Oneness with God experience.  You may be asking how the Universe will take care of your needs.

Creation is designed to thrive—and that includes you.  But, that doesn’t necessarily mean it will look like your current situation and expectations.  What you perceive as needs and what’s best for you are from a limited point of view, crafted mainly from your personal experience within your local culture and conditioning.  Let’s take a look at why those undergoing the transformation into unity consciousness undergo the shared challenge of living abundantly during and after.

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