Louisiana Town To Kill All Pit Bulls And Rottweilers – Those Who Don’t Surrender Face Police Action

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Source: www.thefreethoughtproject.com | Original Post Date: November 25, 2014 –


A town in Louisiana has recently voted to ban all Pit Bulls and Rottweilers, calling them “vicious breeds” of dogs. Current owners of these specific breeds have just one more month to either move out of town, or hand their family pet over to the government to be killed.

While there has traditionally been heavy debate over larger breeds of dogs, in recent years the debate has began to die down, because an overwhelming majority of people now agree that like humans, a dog’s temperament and personality are largely based on their upbringing and life experiences.

Sadly, town officials in Moreauville, Louisiana are stuck in a very immature state of mind where they are basically prejudice against...
