Because Valentine’s Day is nearly here, I thought it would be fun to treat you to another excerpt from my book Active Consciousness [1]. The selection below underscores the power and magical ability of synchronicity to bring us in contact in time and space with those we are meant to spend our lives with.
As a quick reminder to those of you unfamiliar with the term, a synchronicity is a coincidence of seemingly unrelated events that share a common meaning. A typical example of synchronicity is when the beloved clock or watch of an individual breaks or stops at the precise moment of their death. These kinds of “meaningful coincidences” were first identified as a unique phenomenon by famed Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, who also coined the term “synchronicity” [2]. A more in depth description of synchronicity and its relationship to phenomena based on similarity in vibrations (such as Sheldrake’s morphic field and homeopathic medicine) is described in my book Active Consciousness.