What if we all started doing our best to simply treat each other like we would like to be treated?
What if we all started treating each other with even a little more loving kindness?
What if we all simply allowed ourselves to act from love rather than greed and fear?
This is not new. It is something that has been recommended by all the major religions for thousands of years.
In my opinion, we can no longer play it safe and wait for someone else to act with integrity and love first. We all have the opportunity in our interactions with each other to simply start to stretch in this direction. It is not hard. It feels great. And it has very powerful repercussions, both individually and for our world.
It is okay to start with little things! Allow yourself to experiment with some of these simple actions:
- Smile at someone who seems down or just because they are there
- Offer a helping hand to someone who needs support
- Give to others without wanting something back in return
- Turn your judgments of others into love (This is just a decision!)
- Act with a little more consideration for how it will affect everyone, not just you
- Fully listen to people as they share who they are and what they experience
- Act with a little more compassion and loving kindness
- Let go of the fear and greed and uncover the love that is already in your heart now
Read the full article here: