Love uses many cloaks

David Porter's picture


I’m sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you.


One of Her cloaks is discernment and is one of our "psychic gifts."


Love is here to assist us in getting out of this mess we’ve gotten ourselves into, right? You have heard the term, “tough Love” yes?


If in my words on the comment section affected you in a negative way, look inside for the answer to that. If my words have offended you, then that means that you have a “self-importance issue,” this you should attend to as it has everything to do with ego.


I am assisting a group of non-profit ones to get the air ways clear of unauthentic systems of information as well as we can and keep them that way. We have been miss lead and miss guided and miss represented long enough and who is going to step up and stop it? We the people are, or it simply won’t happen.


I will be the first one to step up to the plate of apology if anyone feels I have unnecessary, unneeded or miss-information, please come foward and give me your corrective criticism and edit. You may note in all my words there is and will never be obviously intended miss information. I would rather not say, than speak with a forked tongue. This is what I am here to edit, not only in this site but all of them. Once we find the sources of miss-information that’s where we go to address it.


This particular site, GFP I have been reading and enjoying I must say for years and the operators of it have done an excellent job of editing it. This job requires great balance you must allow all bloggers to speak their freedom. They here have removed many in the past that are harmful to the integrity of this site. But to blame shift to the site is not necessarily the answer.


I have a direct approach to most situations as to get to the truth. You’ve heard also that this will set you free. That is exactly what we are looking for, for those that bless this site with their attention and support. The truth is coming out now like never before and there is much encouragement behind its out-coming and it will produce an outcome. You may call it tough Love or interrogation or choose a fitting title as The Light works in many mysterious ways as it flushes all to the surface the surface will clear.


1. Do you not want to know “WHO” it truly is that is guiding and leading you?

2. Do you wish to know where they lead you to?

3. Do you want to know when you will arrive?


Please excuse me for answering all these for you, but our “time” is limited and I think by now you are getting this picture more clearly than ever as we are now "days and weeks" away from some very, very talked about times of potentially great disasters, wonders and or possibilities??? This come from Sumarian, Jews, Bibles, ETs, Ascended Ones, Mayans, Inkas, Hopi, Navajo, Apache, Nostrodamus, Cayce, Hindu, and many other tribes, cultures and civilatsations and nearly all concur on the exact same date.




1. Of course you do, but at one time it was Hitler that led you and you followed him. See “Schindlers List” for the details.


2. NO, not if it’s a FEMA camp that by its design is built to keep you in, not the bad people out. And who are the bad people anyway? You. You are the resistance.  


3. Yes, so much so that you may believe anyone that makes you feel good during the journey.


I realize that Sheldon Nidle and so many others have a long history. What I am attempting to illume from him is why his “channel” continues to pump us up for the “near” “soon” “not long now” “just up ahead” nature of statements? What is the purpose of the timing? What is behind this? They have never needed to tell us when it would happen, especially if they guess at it, just that it will happen. And concerns like NESARA and disclosure were to assist us on our way to ascension to smooth the ride, not after the fact.


And why would an “Ascended Being” have to guess at anything that has to do with a domain that is at least two dimensions and 14 levels below the one they reside on? And I keep hearing from “them” that they don’t use “time” as we do, but surely at their level of mastery they can read and discern linear Gregorian timelines, clocks and calendars. Do you believe the Mayans made their calendars from scratch? Not likely, I'm sure someone made it for them and showed them how to interpret it.


What I am attempting to get across is the ones that are here in ernest are who we want to know we are adhering to and following.


“There will be many come in my name.” this may have been set up long ago to sway us from the good guys as well as the bad?? I mean look at how many languages and "controllers" therein it went through.


Same goes for, “Beware of those who come bearing gifts and giving false promises.” I am not affiliated with any religion, cult or organization of any stringent stationary belief systems, I am on my own, mostly.


So far, how many “false promises” have been made to us and by who? If you’ve not been keeping up with it, would you like to know from one that has, or would you rather remain in the dark corner of the comfort (twilight) zone?  


Please vote and chose, as I came to Earth alone and will leave it alone no matter how expansive my Soul Group is. I will assist those who want it and recend from the ones who don't. I don’t however have all the information, but I want more of it. I WANT THE TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH AND NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING ELSE BUT THE TRUTH.


I believe that most of these alleged channels and channelers are authentic or at least mean to be, but I want the ones that are up to no good ousted. I have gained much insight and knowledge from Them and wish to continue. I have always had the propensity in my understandings to give them freely to any that are open to them. In this very moment of our linear time we are in there are those, maybe you, that are on the precipice, edge, indecision, intent, wanting to, thinking it over, deciding point, possibility, incouragement, desire, stand off, closed but wanting to open to it, in fear of but just about to loose just enough to make it, to assend into Heaven, (Fifth Dimension).


You who have come this far into this kind of script are canidate for this right now.  


I too as you don’t wish to enter a camp in the future not on my own valuation and see a sign, after its too late that says, “you’ve been duped again” stand in line because I hear that train a coming. On the "other hand" I know that I am in the Hand of Something bigger than us all put together.


"I AM that I AM and I have decided to ascend"

"I AM that I AM and I have decided to ascend"

"I AM that I AM and I have decided to ascend"


Use this


Will the ETs that are our DNA brothers and sister please step forward and be shown and known, it is time and we are ready, and thank you for your support?



David Porter, Author of the series

Remember Who You Are, book one, The Awakening



Love Uses Many Cloaks

Ra-Raela's picture

Thank you for this post, David! I can totally understand where you are coming from. I also must interject however, that the GFP site has numerous times reminded us to use discernment, when it comes to the messages. I believe that everything in life is here to strengthen us in some way. In this case, I believe it is an exercise in said discernment. When you read a message, how does it "sit" with you? Do you blindly believe it? Or do you sit down with your Higher Self and ask if this is "true for you"? I think, it is our ego selves who want to bellieve it so much; want someone else to rescue us. And when we don't get it, we are like children, throwing a temper tantrum. Go within, and ask the question: "What is the truth for me (because your truth may not be someone elses truth)?" And in the stillness of your being wait for the answer to come. Remember, we are the ones whom we've been waiting for, and that is being demonstrated every day, especially in New York. In Quantum Physics the rule is.... the observer changes the observed. Look for darkness, and you will surely find it. Look for kindness and positive actions, and you will find that too. We are all at  different stages of development. There are different lessons to be learned at each stage. Be the truth, rather than trying to prove a point. I will be time better spent. Remember, "By their fruits shall they be known!"

David   I feel the essence of

TitaniumLotus's picture



I feel the essence of a battle weary soldier, when your words dance in my minds eye. Simplicity is an effective tool to combat kaos in ones physical/spiritual enviroment.....Simply look within and rest, upon knowing your divine sparks evolutionary master plan.


Peace and love to you kind sir



Thank you, David

astreia's picture

My sense of who you are has changed.  This message shows greater humility and concern for your fellow humans. You have stopped calling yourself a king, and I greatly appreciate that.

Your words do not offend me. I simply was determined to have you speak to us as yourself and not as a mythical potentate. i am proud of you for your message today.

I never followed Hitler - I was not in body at that time. Who knows, I might have been "duped" if I had been, but I hope not. We will not end up in "camps" - I used to be concerned about that, too, but things have changed. I suspect that you are feeling the changes.....

Yes, battle-weary you are, and so am I at this point. Sleep will help, both for me and for you. I hope we both have pleasant, liberating dreams.

Love, Astreia