Loved and Loving - Dorothy Maclean

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Dear Reader,
Please give yourselves permission to imbibe and accept the following in joy, love, peace and harmony. Thanks, Dorothy.

In my life, I have learned many lessons and would like to address one in particular. I believe that if you can accept this lesson, too, as I did, you will find a source of help within yourself that will enable you to feel at home in this world.

I was born in Canada in 1920 of extremely loving parents, yet as a young child I felt lost and alone. I had negative attitudes about myself which grew very strong as the years went by, though I shared them with no one. These attitudes no doubt affected my ability to live a happy and productive life in the world.

Yet, in spite of this inner turmoil and negativity, I was able to establish an inner relationship with God, for this relationship is the birthright of all of us. Through that relationship I discovered in a very deep way that I was truly and unconditionally loved, and that being loved by the Divine, I could discover how to give love back to my world.

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