Love's Calling

E Dawn's picture



When Love is Present and you are truly Being that Love, Love flows freely. Words of Love glide easily from your lips and never have to be forced, any question you have is answered! Sometimes in what you are saying or writing to another also contains a messagefor you as well. Sometimes something you need to understand in order to release an attachment or to help free yourself from your ego. When Love is Being the mirror for another Everything is given freely.

Love is perfect, and We Are that Love! We are All Equal in that Love,sometimes it is difficult to see and experience this because of our ego. Yet, the ego is an illusion, something that has been created, it is not who we really are! When we are Present and Aware we can notice the difference between the Love We Are and the thoughts of the ego. Ego wants to fight or run in fear, it judges and seperates us, not only from our connection and equality with others but most importantly from our true selves! Love Accepts, Embraces and Allows sharing equally with Everything in creation that is Love, Which Is Everything! Love can not be shared with ego since it is an illusion and does not exist, nor can ego see or accept True Love Being Shared, for in it's Presence it either fights or it runs.

Since We Are All Love We have a Life Line to the Love We Truly Are! All We have to do is reach out and connect. When we are in illusion we are drowning in a sea of darkness, Love has already cast out it's lifeline, it's been w/ us since the beginning, when we created this illusion. We must save ourselves by seeing the Light and connecting and raising ourselves out! Love can not enter into our illusion to save us in the darkness,Love laughs at how funny we look flailing around, while sending us signs. If only we would open our eyes and our hearts to what is in front of us and inside of us.

 Those of you still struggling in illusion will have to see the candle that is still shining. It is the difference between seeing and feeling the Light of the Sun or a candle. The ego of many was afraid to open it's eyes because of the intensity of the Light being so used to the darkness it chose to stay comfortable where it was.

Ego is fighting harder and harder but Love packs a good punch, a TKO. Be The Love You Know You Are! If you've experienced even one moment of Being  Love in the Present Moment your Heart Knows the difference between it's Unconditional Love and the fake love that ego tries to be. You either Are Love or your functioning through ego. Love Is Calling To You, Listen toYour Heart and Hear It's Call! Don't let the chatter of your ego distract you from answering. Pick up the line and answer, Yes I am Here!


Blessings and Love,



truly ....

dawn christine's picture

deeply beautiful.