E Dawn's blog

Arch Angel Raphael

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He is also known as the Twin Flame of Mother Mary.  The work together for the healing of Humanity so that they may once again know themselves.  I'd also consider him a Divine Comedian though alot of Ego's take things personally.  That's the lessons that inspire our healing so that we may all accept each other as equals in true unconditional love.


Who Is Arch Angel Raphael?



Raphael is a Celestial Angelic Being within the Angelic Order known as the Archangels.  Archangels are responsible for ministering to humans, considered somewhat like “manager angels,” Archangels oversee the responsibilities of Guardian Angels and the other Celestial Light Beings that act as our guardians and guides.


Each Archangel has specific qualities that distinguish their characteristics and their specific angelic responsibilities.  Archangel Raphael’s realm of angelic expertise resides within Health & Healing.


Raphael’s healing domain is all encompassing, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and energetic health. This Archangel is dedicated to our realizing and maintaining our True and Natural State of Wellness, helping us to Remember that our True Essence is Healthy, Whole and Complete.


Returning to Eden

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My name was Desiree Dawn...I am left with E-Dawn or Eden..... ♥ Blessings The Energetic Dawning....






The Ego...or Energetically Growing Older takes you away from the place of innocence of your child like Nature. When you retain past wounds and use them to experience the moment it try's to rationalize everything instead of just being. When we're in the moment we're embracing the childlike innocence of our true connection with Spirit. ♥ Blessings!


12-12-12 Portal Energies

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So many people have been questioning about why certain events have not occurred yet.  That's easy....time is not linear...it is all energetic and it has to do with experience.  We have currently been utilizing the time matrix that you are currently in to our benefit.  Allowing large waves of energies to come through during certain days which are the opening of the portals.  8-8-88, 9-9-99, 10-10-10, 11-11-11 and currently the upcoming 12-12-12.


Truth and Love Shall Bring Peace!

E Dawn's picture



As long as our motives are always TRUTH and LOVE then nothing else matters.  One must remember that Truth doesnt always go along with the flow.  For the flow is a group mindset.  One that we can see quite clearly upon this Planet.  The majority of the time Truth shakes things up a bit and makes people question ALL of their belief systems.  Peace it seems has not yet been estabilished for the Earth still trembles and quakes...she is still releasing...it just goes to show that something still isn't quite right.


 These last few months before 12-12-12 Gateway and 12-21-12 will be the time of choice...of clear seeing..which is truly clear feeling since you see through the eyes of your heart.  Peace shall come but remeber that what is within is what is projected outward.  If you have true Peace within you it should radiate and touch all those around you...even those still caught in illusion for they will still be able to feel something different.

Malaria and the Gates Foundation

E Dawn's picture


6-9-12  (Technically a 3-3-3 day)



I just retuned from the United Methodist Anual Conferance in New York a few hours ago.  Long day...the kids had an amazing time and it was all about spreading the news and raising money to assist in getting rid of Malaria.  I was in awe...everyone was so full of energy praising God and it was amazing...then they mentioned something that got my mind spinning.  The woman Bishop I believe from Minnestoa spoke about how Bill Gates Father came before the council of the United Methodist Church in awe because they were known to do the m ost mission work all over the Planet.  He came to them and wanted to assist and join together to prevent Malaria.  As soon as I heard the name Bill Gates Red flags went off in my brain...and of course I am like, nah it can't be that bad...it's just my imagination because of all the consiprecy theories...yet are they true is my question.  



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