He is also known as the Twin Flame of Mother Mary. The work together for the healing of Humanity so that they may once again know themselves. I'd also consider him a Divine Comedian though alot of Ego's take things personally. That's the lessons that inspire our healing so that we may all accept each other as equals in true unconditional love.
Who Is Arch Angel Raphael?
Raphael is a Celestial Angelic Being within the Angelic Order known as the Archangels. Archangels are responsible for ministering to humans, considered somewhat like “manager angels,” Archangels oversee the responsibilities of Guardian Angels and the other Celestial Light Beings that act as our guardians and guides.
Each Archangel has specific qualities that distinguish their characteristics and their specific angelic responsibilities. Archangel Raphael’s realm of angelic expertise resides within Health & Healing.
Raphael’s healing domain is all encompassing, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and energetic health. This Archangel is dedicated to our realizing and maintaining our True and Natural State of Wellness, helping us to Remember that our True Essence is Healthy, Whole and Complete.