Lunar Eclipse Pleiadian Global Meditation & Earth Gong Transmission with Gaia Earth Star

Gaia Earth Star's picture


My Dear Ones,

For the upcoming Libra Full Moon Lunar Eclipse next Saturday (5:06am PST), I will be holding a Global Online Pleiadian Meditation on Friday April 3rd at 7pm PST from Sedona Goddess Stargate, followed by a remote Gong Transmission, with my new 30 inch Platonic Earth Gong to assist us, Mother Gaia, to open to receive those powerful Light Frequencies of this Lunar Eclipse, within our Cosmic ONE HEART, the Heart of Mother Goddess, and facilitating the aligning and grounding process which will follow. Eclipses are key Stargates which assist us in aligning with our unique Soul Purpose. They are pre-destined events which are not to be feared but to be embraced and received with gratitude, faith and empowerment. Rejoice my Dear Ones!

Click on link below for more details and to join this event:

Feel free to share the event with your family and friends heart emoticon

Mother Goddess Blessings
Gaia Earth Star 
High Priestess of Avalon
Soul Astrologer, Pleiadian Channel 
and Spiritual Guide

