6-9-12 (Technically a 3-3-3 day)
I just retuned from the United Methodist Anual Conferance in New York a few hours ago. Long day...the kids had an amazing time and it was all about spreading the news and raising money to assist in getting rid of Malaria. I was in awe...everyone was so full of energy praising God and it was amazing...then they mentioned something that got my mind spinning. The woman Bishop I believe from Minnestoa spoke about how Bill Gates Father came before the council of the United Methodist Church in awe because they were known to do the m ost mission work all over the Planet. He came to them and wanted to assist and join together to prevent Malaria. As soon as I heard the name Bill Gates Red flags went off in my brain...and of course I am like, nah it can't be that bad...it's just my imagination because of all the consiprecy theories...yet are they true is my question.
This woman also spoke about how way back when there was wide spread Maleria in the United States...mostly in the Northern or North Eastern parts of the US. It got my mind going hmm I wonder. My first thoughts,, Bill Gates is known to be a part of what they call the Bilderburg group, which is known for wanting to reduce the worlds population. I am like hmmmm with vaccinations is it possible that along w/ getting rid of Maleria they are also effecting fertility on the people they give them to. Now I watch as they all get together and share stories about wanting to completely get rid of Malaria, watch as hundreds of people come forward to donate money after them already sharing that in Minnestoa they raised over 2.5 million dollars towards the No More Malaria Fund. I am like wow...this is really quite amazing these people want to help so bad...they want to believe with all their hearts and souls that this can happen. They want to assist in a better life for others. So how can they be connected to Bill Gates...a man whom has said numerous times he wants to slow down population growth...so that death from Malaria would be ok as long as it keeps the population down...or are there other tricks up his sleaves.
When I got home I started doing some research because for one I wanted more then just a few theories. I wanted some sort of facts as to what is going on. Especially when these people don't even know what their moey is going towards. They don't know what the plan is to eliminate Malaria...only that that's what their money is funding. So..no mission plan so to speak...no one said anything about how...which honestly would have been my first question. I happened to run accross this article and it got me questioning. http://occupycorporatism.com/gates-gavi-and-who-administered-fake-malari... So their money may be going to fund genetic alterations on cows to promote milk that has a vaccine which as they said doesn't really even work. Hmmmm does that sound at all right? Here's a newer article about a new vaccine for Maleria...yet it's shown to also cause Meningities in small children which is a brain disese. Would you rather your child die or suffer from brain disorders and be handicap for the rest of their life....interesting choice. http://www.forbes.com/sites/matthewherper/2011/10/18/glaxosmithkline-bil...
Then I started to do my research...well how were they able to cure Maleria in the United States. " .....the disease was essentially eliminated in the TVA region by 1947. A key part of this effort centered on attacking mosquito breeding sites. These sites were reduced by controlling water levels and insecticide applications." http://www.malariapolicycenter.org/index.php/resources/a_history_of_mala... They said that by 1951 Maleria was pretty much gone from the United States. Yet what did they utilize to do so a chemical known as DDT. Not known to harm humans but known to negatively impact our environment and animals. http://scienceheroes.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=30... Now the case arose is it worth saving all these lives at the expense of our environment? This is an ethical question that we MUST ask ourselves. Saving our environment actually allows the Human population to live on this Planet longer. It seems right now the is that people don't want to see others suffer. While I can totally sympothize most of the chemical compounds they are creating to be sprayed ect we don't know how their effects shall be felt 20 years from now. It'll be our children that will have to clean up our mess that we make by not paying attention to things.
Yet more importantly then ANYTHING we can spray or inject is how we are eating and living. Is our water clean and pure, is our food healthy and providing the nutrients our bodies need. If this is so then our bodies are strong enough to handle ANY disease. We are seeing issues with this ALL across the globe. Not just in under developed countries but in countries even such as ours. If we can create healthy bodies, and healthy minds where people feel loved and safe then disease prevention will not be as big of an issue. Let's PREVENT them from harming us as much by eating healthy. DUring the time that Malaria was so big here in the United States was directly after the Great Depression and what was known as the Dust Bowl. Most people were not eating as healthy since the food supply and variety was down. Interesting to actually see the facts and how it all pieces together. Can we not work together to keep our bodies and environment as chemical free as we can? Can we not start taking care of ourseloves, eah other and our environment with respect and Love. I pray that together we can work together to make REAL CHANGE instead of just creating a new situation with more chemically altered drugs and sprays!
Love and Blessings,
malaria was commonly survived in U$
mom was born 1920 in SC, grew up on cotton farm in rural area. She had malaria almost every summer growing up & had excellent health most of her life. They were destitute almost, but always had good food cause they grew it all & the milk, eggs, meat came from their farm.
my dad got it in SC as young adult & lost much weight & hair ( 6'2" & 140 lbs) but recovered to full health. He was also reasonably nourished.
Both treated with quinine & herbs.
The vax is BS...as we all know.
I am praying this vax program does not see fruition, & these poor souls can soon get some clean & ample food & water.
reminds me of the giving of bibles to starving, dehydrated refugees in barren camps...
they should make edible bibles........protein bar bibles. :)
my point being in agreement with you, Desiree , just think of the outcome if all that vax $$ was used instead to provide clean food & water & support the people's overall health.. as you were pointing out.
PS. I have a soap of pennyroyal, citronella, tea tree oil & 1 other herb I cannot pull out of my internal hard drive. at this moment, which I wet & rub all over me before going outside& it works great, olive oil based. & I'm ready for shower when I come in.
Good to know info...ah might explain the nodding virus in the areas he is supposed to be helping...kind of like zombie vegetative state and the remark like, as if Westerners dont care.
[NAt.Geo. Article i think...]
Its not that we dont care.Its that part of the world..well..face it, its 3rd world, medicine, power, even doesnt exist...HIV/AIDA is spreading like wildfire...EBOLA...most wont even consider the place...its a virus hot zone, just like the book title says.
Odd though, you found that info as he keeps promoting this with his ill-gotten M$ funds...I think he is just tired of all the hoo hha ha over buying someone else's code and relabling it back in the day. Anyways, thats M$ in a nutshell, now turned profit giant trying to compete with effects found in Linux' K Desktop Environment. They cant do it right at all with the end product and the CEO is wasting all the money on fake viruses apparently.
Id welcome his comments, but if he really said that, do we even want him to comment?
Doesnt sit right,does it?
Yer right about the water...poison it and you get the runs. They forget this in SAN DIEGO(raw seweage from TJ sewer system) and around here(NUKE waste water and fuel/oil leaks apparently).Yes, I said that right the research station is periodically active, though they say it isnt. You can tell.