Marching in a Merry Parade

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How bizarre is life on Earth! Who could think of all this mish-mash? What an amazing knitting a story of life is. Every day is a story. There are so many plots and sub-plots, so many characters walking in and out. Like waves and the sands of time, the stories of life weave in, and the stories weave out, and there is a new cast of characters, and the world continues. Gone are the yesteryears and the future is not here yet, in terms of the world, that is. Every day there is a new future pronounced, and you can never get ahead. Coincidentally, there is no past either. The waves wash away the concepts of future and past.
Busy busy is life on Earth. There is a lot of scrambling around. Priorities are all mixed together, and everyone on Earth has mixed opinions, and life never really gets sorted out. On Earth, there is no figuring out life. Just when you think you may have it figured out, there is a big swoosh of new life. You can’t catch up. Willy-nilly, you can’t really get behind although you may think so. You are right up-to-date.
Plenty seems to go wrong with life, yet life is never wrong. Life is what it is. How can it be wrong? It may not be what you desire, yet life is as it shows up.
We can consider that life is a long meditation with movement and emotion running through it. There is going to sleep, and there is waking up, and there is dreaming in sleep, and there is day-dreaming as well. Life is bizarre.
Nevertheless, life is such an enjoyable exciting time to spend and expend your time. It is a once-in-a-million opportunity. It is the Greatest Show on Earth.
Who could imagine all the varieties of experience and unrepeatable cast of characters, no two alike. It’s uncanny. Life is like an Easter Parade, yet bigger than an Easter Parade, more fantastic as it circles the Earth with planets and stars following its girth.
And the ages of the centuries. The styles of clothes! The styles of manners. The styles of education. The preposterous mores that go on, the cultures, all thinking so highly of themselves, the preponderance of hard work punctuated with easy living.
Life is like a ball that rolls down the street. It keeps going until it stops of its own accord, or something stops it. At the same time, it seems that life has no time to take a breath. Life is in such a hurry to finish itself.
And, then, there are the doldrums of life where life seems to stretch out like a long clown mouth, seemingly going on forever until it doesn’t any longer.
And love -- never the same in the world again. There will never be such a love again, and you begin to think such a love never was. Yet love seems to be irreplaceable even as it seems to run off somewhere, taking your heart along with it and leaving your heart in the lurch. You are sure you will never love again, and you don’t until the next time.
In love, couples marry. And out of love, couples divorce. True love sometimes seems to be only in books and plays. Flirtation may exist. It brightens life for a while. Life abounds with surprises. Life will take you up on anything. Sometimes the thoughts you have -- you do not want to be responsible for them, yet you don’t know how to get away from them. Your thoughts run away with you. They take you on an escapade.
And, then, there you are marching in that Merry Parade, and what do you care about anything  but the parade you are marching in today. You march for Life. Life tells you how to step and how to step high and when to put your foot down.
