Marijuana found to delay onset of ALS in mice

will's picture


CBD has many medical uses, and next to THC, it is the most studied of the natural cannabinoids. A 2005 study used CBD and delayed the onset of a form of ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease) in mice. In 2007, neuroscientist Dr. Mary Abood used a THC/CBD mixture and conducted a similar experiment. To her amazement-

"The treatment delayed disease progression by more than seven days and extended survival by six days. In human terms, this would amount to about three years. That's a significant improvement over the only existing ALS drug, riluzole, which extends life by two months."

Three years versus two months! If you had ALS, and were given the choice, would you choose the "conventional" treatment of riluzole, or would you try Cannabis? Could the two medicines compliment each other giving even better results? What would a larger dose of CBD do? Why are there are no studies on this?




btenser's picture

riluzole, having als was on it 2 months and made me worse as if it sped up als in me.  Taking cbd oil and hope to see results.  anyone else on oil for als?