By:, 01/30/2014
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January 30, 2014
Beloved Ones,
Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as faith. This quality when utilized can move mountains and create miracles. This quality has the element of the miraculous within it. When a person activates this quality within them and is consistent and persistent in their daily belief that what they desire to manifest or become visible in their reality will in actuality become manifest. This quality will give a person the ability to persevere in their focus until their objective is realized in their life as actualized. As they believe, so it is given unto them. The world you live in is filled with outstanding examples of those who changed the world through their utilization of this quality known as faith.
Many there are upon your world, that have healed themselves and their loved ones by utilizing their power of love called faith. They called upon the realm of spirit and their belief in higher powers, to put into effect the healing of their bodies, minds and emotions. This is a quality that is being called upon with more regularity and intensity due to the changes taking place throughout the planet. It is when people are tested in various ways that this quality comes to the forefront and is employed as people remember, that there is a higher source that they can draw upon to see them through the difficult times. As the changes continue to accelerate, this facet of love will become the primary quality that manifests within each soul.
Whenever challenges and obstacles arise in a person’s environment, calling upon this mighty quality from within them will help them keep on their path until they see it through to its end. Utilizing this quality gives a person the ability to move ahead in spite of seeming barriers and obstacles in their daily life. All that is required is the faith that there will come a time when things in their life will get better. As this quality is utilized and the object of a person’s determined effort and focus is realized, this quality becomes stronger and more established within the individual as an innate power that they can draw upon whenever required. This gives the individual strength, courage and purpose as they inherently know within them that they are equal to whatever task lies before them.
As each person walks their daily life, this quality can bring many blessings and miracles that can lift the ordinary into that which is extraordinary and filled with beauty. It is by calling upon this quality within themselves that humanity can lift and transcend every circumstance. This quality allows the flow of grace to work its magic upon any situation that presents itself as difficult. The act of faith can empower an individual in magical ways which can galvanize them into taking correct action at the most propitious time. This quality restores confidence and self esteem in each individual as they wield and hone their own abilities into a greater understanding of the incredible power this facet of love carries within them.
When people use this quality in respecting others as trustworthy and honorable, those individuals invariably respond in kind. By employing this quality between each other, people create an atmosphere of peace, harmony and well being in every situation. When people show that they have faith in each other, in their community, and in their world, they create a sense of unity and trust which becomes a great force for good in creating a positive environment in which all can grow, expand and blossom, allowing each individual to develop their unique abilities and gifts, which ultimately blesses all in their community. Reconnecting to this quality within is a most desirable activity and one that will have incredible benefits.
I leave you now in faith and trust. Be at peace.
©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
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