Tao of Jonathon's picture

This is from my journal, dated 4-15-05. I woke up and began to write and went into an altered state of consciousness. The words began to flow onto the page:

It is 1:45 am and I am awake again. What am I doing alone here in Peru? I suppose I am remembering and paying my respect to Pachamama, our beloved Earth Mother. Just hearing these words in my head, brings me a feeling of well being and a sense of belonging. I wonder what it was really like for Shirley McLean, when she came here and had a life changing experience so long ago. Her story had an impact on a lot of people. I am holding a piece of the black crystal CSD from the crashed spaceship that David gave me.........

O My Relations, I salute you with humbleness, respect and gratitude for my awakening to the "Children of the Light." In this moment, I am still and quiet, feeling the flow of the Universe through me.....WE ARE ONE. The rhythm of the Divine Heart, beats within my form. I AM neither day nor night, or of this flesh and bone. A million suns have come and gone and yet, there is no time. From deep within the Galaxy, I came again and again to assist and serve in the Cosmic experiment because of Love and "The Law of One........

We are here with you, our beloved. From above the Earth, we are positioned, from below and in between. We have never left you, your limited perception has kept you separate from us. We have watched over you, each step you took while you were in Iquitos, as we watch over you now. You are the STAR SEED who has chosen to come and be with Earth Mother and assist in the great Cosmic Awakening that is taking place at this time. You are here in Peru to reconnect and re-member the lives that you lived in the planting of the Star Seed and the LAW of ONE. Up on this land you walked in a sacred manner as did you in those lands that sleeps below the waters. You have lived many times carrying the Illumination. Even through the dark ages of man, you carried the Light. It is of these times that you developed the dislike of the Church that brought darkness upon the land and slavery to the people. It is not just physical slavery, but the forgetfulness of the Illumination that each soul carries. From the Pleiades, you came before there was time, when your form was not physical, but luminous. You are not of the Earth, but of the stars. Remember, our brother, look around you, you have been distracted. See the people caught up in the world dream. It is no longer yours, the time has come for your awakening as well as many others. It is this Awakening and holding the Light, that creates a powerful force within the Earth plane that will allow others to awaken from their slumber.

Great changes are taking place and many more are on the way. It is nearing the time of critical mass consciousness. You have chosen not have details of your past lives revealed to you, because of the distraction they would bring. These will be revealed to you when they will serve a purpose. Go, you are not alone, walk sacredly upon the land and let Her welcome you home. Listen to the wind, let the stones sing to you as they once did. You worked with them then as you do now. You are fascinated with the blocks of stone and how they lock together. You were instrumental in building these great walls. Your love of stone and metals, has been a bond before there was solid form. Today, you are reconnecting with the lifeforce within these materials and activating them into higher vibratory frequencies through the designs and symbols that you carve into them. The high frequency material that you are holding, can assist you while you are here in Peru, to become still and allow the Universe to flow through you, and experience the ages to wash up on you. You are a Star Being and beyond the beyond, to when you were of Nothing-ness You are tired our beloved, rest now.

Well that was certainly unexpected. I was receiving concepts that was not compatible with the linear mind. Concepts that were multidimensional. I have experienced these expansive concepts many times before in the " "Place of Knowing," as I call it. Well I need to get some sleep. I am to take the train to Machu Picchu and meet with a native Shaman tomorrow. It should be interesting..........

I spent a day with the native Shaman doing ceremony. He could not speak English and I could not speak Spanish, but we communicated perfectly. I have been guarded about sharing this with others, but it's time to let that go and be willing to share.
