Tao of Jonathon's blog


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This is a very simple message. Try it, even if you are skeptical of getting any results. The ego/mind will say it's too simple to work. I have learned over the years, that the answers are simple, but the ego/mind likes to complicate things with theories, rituals and dogmas, etc. I began to practice it even when I did not believe in it. My skepticism faded as my convictions grew.
My Relations:
Thank you for what is not in my life, that I have prayed for, but have never received. Some of us has gone through life disappointed that our prayers were not answered. This can lead to loss of faith, resentment, envy and feelings of unworthiness. We see others who are prosperous and we can become envious of their good fortune, or we see some who are prospering from the suffering of others. We can become cynical and say that life isn't fair. The ego/mind will convince us that we are undeserving or God is to busy to bother with us. SO WHAT..if you didn't win the lottery!!! Are you really ready for it, or would it complicate your life???? Often we focus on what we want instead of being grateful for what we have. In the practice of gratitude, we learn to let go of our wants and desires and ask that we receive that which is for our highest good.
Years ago, Spirit taught me to pray in gratitude. When we learn to pray this way, it is part of the surrendering our judgments of the ego/mind and trusting Spirit to bring us what we need.
My Prayer:
Great Spirit:
Thank you for what is in my life..................
Thank you for what was in my life................
Thank you for what will be in my life..................


Life changing experience

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This was a life changing experience I had in 1984. I had been a devout Christian for six years, but wanted nothing to do with organized religion. For me, my cathedral was in the woods and often, I would go there to pray. I remember the night well. There was a full moon over head and I was troubled. I was talking to God, I said, Lord...Who has you ? Tell me so I can go and know you better! In an instant, I was no longer standing in the woods, but was in space, yet...It wasn't space. There was this LIGHT that was like the sun, but nothing like the sun. It was so beautiful and pure Love. Out of this LIGHT, came a cable of light made up of fine threads of light, twisted around like a rope. Then I was transported to above the earth. The cable unraveled. This religion received 20 strands of LIGHT, that one 40 strands, another recieved 10 and on and on it went. Then a voice spoke to me, "IF YOU WANT TO KNOW ME, YOU MUST GATHER AS MANY STRANDS AS YOU CAN." 
I began to study and embrace all religions, but not limited by them. That cable of light only represented a tiny fraction of the LIGHT. That LIGHT can only be known when we can empty ourselves out and surrender to it through the heart. I do not judge when I see religions preaching their superiority, hate and racism. When we come to understand and embrace this, we will tear down the walls that separate us and there will no longer be a need for organized religion. We are all one people created by the One Divine Intelligence. It is within the hearts of each of us and doesn't need to be named, defined or put in a box or category. All we have to do, is listen to "That still voice inside."


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This is from my journal, dated 4-15-05. I woke up and began to write and went into an altered state of consciousness. The words began to flow onto the page:

It is 1:45 am and I am awake again. What am I doing alone here in Peru? I suppose I am remembering and paying my respect to Pachamama, our beloved Earth Mother. Just hearing these words in my head, brings me a feeling of well being and a sense of belonging. I wonder what it was really like for Shirley McLean, when she came here and had a life changing experience so long ago. Her story had an impact on a lot of people. I am holding a piece of the black crystal CSD from the crashed spaceship that David gave me.........

O My Relations, I salute you with humbleness, respect and gratitude for my awakening to the "Children of the Light." In this moment, I am still and quiet, feeling the flow of the Universe through me.....WE ARE ONE. The rhythm of the Divine Heart, beats within my form. I AM neither day nor night, or of this flesh and bone. A million suns have come and gone and yet, there is no time. From deep within the Galaxy, I came again and again to assist and serve in the Cosmic experiment because of Love and "The Law of One........

Tao of Jonathon Journal pt. 8,9

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part 8
In this awakening process, we are given a glimpse of our magnificent authentic selves. We are BEINGS OF LIGHT from the ultimate source of Light reality, but even a glimpse brings fear and doubt. We are one with the Force as perfection, beauty and love. We are the "Sea of Universal Consciousness." The ego/identity of finite linear consciousness, fears the changes that Awakening brings, because it will seize to exist as separate from the universal consciousness. The awakening that many of us are going through, is the stripping away of illusions of separation.We are in various stages of this awakening process as we let go of our fears, need to control, doubts, our need to understand, our ego/identity, linear consciousness and all else that supports this illusion of reality.
Awakening is the process of our coming home to our authentic selves. We no longer need to be caught up in the illusion of reality that we call the earth plane. We no loner need to be operating in "survival mode" that we have used for millennia. This has been humanity's prison. The cell doors have opened for those who are seeing through the illusion and we are walking through the door to our freedom. It is not our place to free others who see only bars and not stars, nor should we judge them. The awakening process has already begun and can not be reversed. Yes, we will probably react to something, yes, we may get angry, we may judge, do not worry, that is part of the process in bring us into the NOW and we are finding that we are spending more and more time in THE MOMENT. Our linear mind no longer feels the need to be processing 24-7 and a sense of MINDFULNESS is taking over the role of linear thought. We are finding it natural and easy to intuitively read people and sense their intentions.

Tao of Jonathon Journal pt. 5,6,7

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July 1, 2012
part 5
A Mala can be a very useful tool in our meditation practice. A Mala is made up of 108 beads (108 names of God.) Various forms of prayer beads are used in all major religions. Using a Mala helps to quite an active mind and bring about inner stillness. You can recite a Mantra with each bead, or customize your own affirmations to use, such as, "I AM at peace" or "I AM radiating Light from the core of my being" or "I AM drawing to myself, good health, spiritual well being and abundance." Play with it and write out, that which you wish to create in your life and construct it in the present tense. It is not necessary to purchase a Mala. You can create your own out of glass, wood or stone beads (8-10 mm.) They can be 108,  or any number that feels right for you. You can google image Malas to get ideas....if desired. Stones that you resonate best with, would be ideal for making the Mala. You can easily find beads of rose quartz, crystal, amethyst , or any type you like. Be creative and put your own personal touch in creating this useful tool. The more you use the mala, the stronger the build up of energy in the Mala and the more "CHARGED" your intention will be. Malas are very personal and should not be handled by anyone else but the user.     

Tao of Jonathon Journal pt. 4

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June 29-30, 2012
Many feel excited and anxious about the changes that they are going through and feel that they should be doing something. They feel like they are racing their engines and still stuck in park. There is nothing to do, so give up on the belief that you want to make a difference. That is ego talking. Your higher self is orchestrating everything and you will have clear guidance to do whatever needs to be done. Practice some form of meditation that you feel comfortable with, be it sitting, Yoga, or a walking meditation in nature. Let your inner guidance lead you. Meditation is a way of stilling the mind and can enhance energy flow. Make time to be in nature, whether in the back yard, park, or wilderness. It is an opportunity to renew your energy (Chi) Go there and be "empty." There is a  parasitic drain on our life force in this chaotic society that we live in. Noise, pollution, toxins, as well as drama. The quite time commune with nature will help restore your energy and help teach you to build a shield against these energy parasites. Every blade of grass, every leaf, bush, vine or tree, will lovingly and patiently teach you to "Se still and Know."

Tao of Jonathon Journal pt. 3

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June 28-29, 2012
Millions of people worldwide are being affected by this awakening process. They are experiencing this physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. As their physical bodies are changing at a cellular level, they are experiencing radical changes in diet and are changing unhealthy habits of eating, smoking, alcohol, drugs and associations. Many are changing their tastes in music and colors in clothing and entertainment, choosing that which carries higher vibration over what is popular. Some are changing their spending habits and are choosing to get rid of accumulated stuff and to simplify their lifestyle. Many are moving away from a meat based diet, to a plant based one. Some are starting to see/feel energy fields and develop a heighten  intuition. Many of the awakened people will admit that the life as they knew it, has changed and they feel no regrets. With such radical changes, some people may not be able to relate to the person that they were, as if that person was a stranger. In the past, our memories has helped in defining us by creating our personal history. As Ruiz says in his books, "our personal history is our individual dream that is part of the world dream." Many are becoming detached from their memories which is causing the collapse of their personal identity. Many of those awakening from the "world dream," are finding that they are becoming detached from the past. The memories are there, but without a personal attachment.

INDRA'S NET pt. 1 & 2

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I have an image that I wanted to illustrate my blog with, but do not know how yet:

From the Hindu Vedic Cosmology and Mahayana Buddhism.
The story goes that the Supreme Deity, Indra, created a net that filled the Heavens. A pearl was placed at each intersection of the threads. Within the reflective surface of each pearl's luster are the images of all the pearls in the net.. This is a metaphor for the interconnectedness of all things.
This is my own personal journey into Indra's Net:

Some years ago, while living in Colorado, I attended a shamanic journey. We were given a cup of potentized water of the energy signature of Grandmother Ayahuasca. I began to fall under the hypnotic spell of the rhythmic beat of of the shaman's drum. I awoke to find that I had been transported to a jungle. A large, powerful Jaguar came towards me. I knew him as my Spirit guide. I climbed onto his back and he raced through the jungle and it became a blur.We stopped at the base of a shear cliff. Before me, a vertical line appeared on the rock surface. It expanded until it became a doorway. Unafraid, I stepped through the portal into another dimension. As I did, my mind and body exploded into billions of particles. These small particles of light was flung to the far reaches of the universe. Each point of light was aware of its self and each other. Like a dream, I awoke to reflect on the meaning of this experience. I quickly wrote it down while it was fresh in my mind. I was puzzled by it and it's abrupt end. "Is this all there is ?" I asked myself.

INDRA"S NET part 2
Shamanic Journey with the Grandmother:

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