A Message From Our Lady -- February 16, 2014

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A Message From Our Lady: February 16, 2014


Good Morning!
It is a brand new day. Everything will start from this moment. Everything that I have said to you in the past shall take on an uncanny new appearance, for everything shall be uncovered with the Light.

Everywhere you look, everything around you, everything you see with your own two eyes (she points to hers) shall take on a beautiful blessing!

For you shall see, and you shall know in fact with the heart and its emotion that it gives you while you are seeing, that everything is blessed! everything is blessed! everything is blessed!

(she points to herself) Even me. I am Blessed to be here with you to speak and share this message with you.

You may ask yourself, 'If everything is blessed, what about the 'dark parts' that hurt and are not pleasant? For I do not like them or enjoy them at all, not one bit!'

But you see, with my eyes, I see shadows add much definition and what more clearer way to point to the Light than the behaviors of 'ones who are like this?'

They are going to be exposing themselves, the 'little buggers', and it will be so obvious to everyone 'what are their tricks'!

In the coming days, weeks, months, and yes, possibly years! they are going to be 'flushed out' of the shadows. There IS no place to hide.

And everyone who watches them will think, 'oh dear, it's not THEM again!' like they were the ones who rain on the parade again and again and again.

For it is OUR parade of Happiness, OUR joy to be as friends and lovers and family, together once more in the LIGHT.

No matter how much they try to rain on it they cannot dampen it! You won't even need to take an umbrella to the sky! That is how weak and powerless their efforts shall be.

Enjoy the Parade! Enjoy the Love and Happiness that awaits and surrounds you and supports you and your goals and dreams!

Look to the sky for your loving brothers and sisters, the Angels and the rest, who are cheering you on in your awakening efforts!

That sky (she points up) is very bright and there is not one speck of 'dark' in it! It is only here, and it is about to dry up like a puddle that had been staining your shoes. Both will dry--the shoes and yes the puddle--in the warm and loving light, where there is nurturing, warmth, love and compassion energy that is enough for everyone, both high and low, and within.

For more http://reikidoc.blogspot.com/2014/02/a-message-from-our-lady-february-16-2014.html