A Message from Zadkiel 7/14/2013 ~”Love Heals Everything” as channeled through Rositha Bohlin

Blue Diamon's picture

Greetings Beloved children of Gaia!  The Akashic Book of Records is overseen by a network of enlightened souls. These enlightened souls are Angels who are overseen by the Ascended Masters and Archangels. Does this mean they are better than you? No! Is the headmaster of a school worth more than the cleaner? No! You are all children of God and you all have the same Divine value. You’re all wonderfully unique and you can learn from each other.

Angels and other ascended beings and Masters have gone through the same experiences as you’re going through, which has provided them with the insights and now they can help you remember. When you ascend to the 5th Dimension you will remember everything, yet there will be always be more to learn. The interaction between enlightened Souls and humanity means that everyone around you is your teacher whether they are angels or not. Is this not wonderful? What can you learn from our interaction will help you to end the negative and head toward a more loving existence.  But if you are not happy within yourself, how do you act or behave towards others? So judging yourself or others does not lead to a loving experience, on the contrary, love heals everything! This applies to both you and Gaia.

I, Zadkiel and my beloved twin flame Lady Amethyst love you all.


(Translated from the original Swedish by Debbie from Archangels and Devas, as guided by Archangel Zadkiel)
