Source: www.themindunleashed.org | Original Post Date: February 24, 2015 –
A new study conducted at the Australian National University (ANU) confirms and expands an earlier estimate which claimed that there might be 100 million Earth-like planets in our galaxy.
The new research dramatically increases this number, suggesting the Milky Way could have billions of planets hospitable to life.
A research team of the Australian National University combined the data from the space telescope Kepler with the so-called Titius-Bode law, a 200 year-old hypothesis which was used to predict the orbits of Uranus and Ceres in our solar system before their actual discovery.
inlight universal...http://i872.photobucket.com/albums/ab283/moylin/addtext_com_MjMwNjQ4OTc2...
Unify, Shift Network, Uplift, Gaiafield Project, Children of the Sun Foundation
World Water Day
Equinox, March 20-22
Come together to love water https://childrenofthesun.org/march-equinox-transmissions/ Supporting the Movement ~*~ of a New Huemanity (((homo luminous))) It is for us to take that quantum leap into who we are becoming. We can become homo luminous in our lifetime. This is our greatest task: to take that quantum leap individually because as we do it for ourselves, we do it for the entire planet. Each and every one of us, when we choose truth, when we choose life, when we choose light, we are transforming the world. http://realitysandwich.com/1428/homo_luminous_the_new_human/