Your mind looks out upon the world and sees a desperate array of problems that you cannot begin to solve. Your soul sees endless beauty. Your mind and its handmaiden, fear, pile one burden on top of the other, until your life force is almost depleted. Your soul and its handmaiden, heart, fill you with an endless bounty of joy and compassion as deep as the universe.
Which do you choose to believe?
Why not drink from the well of Infinite Life which is your birthright? This does not mean denying the world. It means being truly alive in the world. This does not mean running from suffering. It means being fully engaged in the alleviation of suffering.
The mind is just an imperfect tool
It was never meant to be your Master.
Ted Slipchinsky is a mystic singer, writer and songwriter. You can see more of his work at songsofmysoul.com where you can also purchase his recently released book "Songs from the River". Ted also has a Facebook group The Other TED Talks.