MOTHER SEKHMET, Ascension Tools Teleconference, 2-15-11

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Mother Sekhmet, Ascension Tools Teleconference, 2/15/11

Elise:  "Greetings Mother Sekhmet, it's wonderful that you're with us on the call today!"

Mother Sekhmet:  "Oh it's wonderful to be here. First I have a message of Love for all of you wondrous beings who are on the call, and who will listen later. You're all my Valentines, and I just Love you beyond words, and that's why I'm here really. We started this class, it's called: 'Yes I Can 101!' Now, the 'Yes I Can,' of course, comes from a great being of Light and Love upon our Planet.

"When's the last time you heard a President of the United States of America discuss Love, or mention the word in regard to people. Well he has, he does, he Is. So I just want to get that real clear. We have, in this course, been focusing upon self-empowerment. You all know you've got to Love yourself in order to be empowered, and that is sometimes a bit of a difficulty. There are many reasons. They're all ego-based of course, as we were discussing earlier, but what you really need to do is Love that ego, so you make the ego a Valentine, so to speak.

"When you start getting tummy scrunches, as Ashtar calls them, or when you start feeling some awareness somewhere in your being, it could be a thought whizzing through your brain, or it could be just what you call a gut reaction, an emotional feeling. Gut reaction, now there's a good description for how the ego operates, and where it operates from. Yes, all that scrunching up.  It is important to understand that your ego has at times, given you some warning, such as: it might send a little message, 'Don't go down that dark street, the lights are all out and there are people there you don't want to meet, and so on and so on.'  Well that's ok, but choose another street, call for the highest and best turn to make, or the best way, the best route to take, or whatever.

"And thank your ego, and say, 'OK thank you. I got the message and you can go back to sleep now.' Most of the time, however, the ego operates from that low 3D vibrational frequency, or whatever, in conjunction with, 'Well, that guy wants to take all your money, so you really shouldn't be loving toward him;' or, 'If you're ever going to get on top of the heap, you've got to listen to me, and do it my way.'  Yertle the Turtle, had a lot of that going on you know, or whatever the case is.

"When it isn't 5D and higher integrity, for instance, when you're feeling like it's OK to perhaps be cross with somebody, or say some words to somebody which would hurt them, their feelings, or whatever, that's your ego. And your ego is so used to being in charge, and so used to protecting you and keeping you safe from all danger - that's your ego's perspective. And it has worked in many lifetimes, has it not? And so we suggest that you take the cornerstones that Ashtar teaches about, Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, Gratitude, and extend them all to your ego.

" 'Thank you so much ego!  Ho'oponopono ego!  Now, go to sleep.' You might want to play some soothing music, if your ego is really doing a tap dance. For instance, before you go to bed at night, you might have something that is really concerning you, and your ego keeps repeating, 'Watch out, watch out, watch out, this or that could happen!' thus creating an image of something happening that's on a much higher plane. And tell your ego, 'It's all right, we can take a nap, we can sleep.' And you can change, not by saying, 'I don't want that to happen.' You can change by creating, 'Everything is going to be absolutely wonderful; tomorrow we're making lemonade,' or however you want to say it.

"Love your ego, assure your ego that it's done a great job, but you really are set to fly with the totality of your being, and your ego can climb in the back seat, take a little nap - you're in the driver's seat now. Now that is a part of self-empowerment, that is a part of being able to be in touch with the totality of who you are without your ego disrupting your communications. So you communicate Love to your ego as you do to the totality of who you are. But we're focusing here on communicating Love to your ego, and you will quiet a voice that wants to say: 'No, you can't!'  See, that's important!

"Now when you lift yourself up and out of 3D, your ego is not really going to be a voice anyway. But if you're down in the dumpies, or feeling upset, nervous, apprehensive, scared, any of those fear-based emotions that the ego is so good at echoing to you, and repeating, repeating, repeating to you, then be aware, be aware, and understand that it might be helpful for you to focus upon the ego long enough to Love it into a kind of a quiet Peace, so that you can then lift up without it trying to drag you back.

"You've all seen at some point or other some kind of an image, whether it be in a movie, or a picture, or something where someone is climbing up a ladder, and they're strong and capable, and they start up the ladder, and all of a sudden somebody who is down below them says, 'Oh no you don't!' and they grab onto that being's foot, and try to actually topple them off the ladder.

"Now we're only bringing that up because that's a good visual for how it can be. You're moving up in your vibrations, and you're getting up high, and all of a sudden this little voice perks up and says, 'Uh uh, not right at this moment!' So, we are only giving you these visuals, not to wallow in, but simply to know that that's what it looks like, and there are times when it is appropriate to calm your ego.

Now music can do wonders, frequency, sounds and tones. Oh, we're so excited, we're going to have this wonderful new tool. But I don't think I'm supposed to say anything about it!  All righty, there are many sound frequencies which can help. Elise has mentioned some, we'll add a few, but there is the sound of the whales, the dolphins, there are the drums, the Tibetan Bowls, the crystal bowls, the tubes. There are some of the sounds which were actually composed awhile back in your time.  Music you call it, a particular type of classical music, it is called the baroque. Just listen to the Hallelujah Chorus and see if you can stay down in the dumpies, Beloved Ones, because it's real tough to do. Don't try to stay down - Let the music lift you up!

"If you're having some difficulties with your sleep, perhaps some dreams that are pretty low vibe, maybe the astral is getting in there. Do what you need to do to clear it, that astral messaging. You can do an exercise for that if you like, and then play Mozart. Turn it on, let it repeat while you sleep. If you've got a wand, use it. If you've got a pendant or any of the energy tools, use them, and if not, state your intent to have a blissful night's sleep, and to fly up and out of 3D past the astral, and into the high vibrations of the higher dimensional energies, and be sure to hold your Guides' hands or your Angels'. Invite them to accompany you.

"Take yourself off to the Arcturian ships if you desire. Pop in on the New Jerusalem or any of the ships. You know I'm often there, and of course I have my own ship, the good ship Niburu. And you can pop in there, or visit the Star of Bethlehem, or reunite with your own ship and your own crew. Do whatever gives you Joy. State the intent to do that.  Put your ego into night-night slumber time. Sing a lullaby to your ego if you wish. Get that one, there is a CD with, inner child songs, but it is wondrous indeed for your ego as well as your inner child. There are all kinds of things that you can do, Beloved Ones, if you feel like you want a little additional boost of empowerment for what it is that you want to do.

"Now we mentioned the astral. You know they're really trying hard, these programs, and there's a lot of information coming in from the astral, and sometimes it's easy to forget to not make yourself available to that type of incoming energy. So we suggest in the morning and also at night before you do go to bed, if you feel so inclined, first do some testing. This is important. Do some self-testing.  If you are not sure how to do that, go to the tools website. There is a lovely piece there about self testing. Just check in and say, 'Are there any astral beings, programs, hitchhikers, or other entities from the dark, from the lower realms of 3D, or any, any, any, dark beings with me?' Say something to that effect.

"You don't have to say it exactly, but what you're doing is you're asking, and be sure to preface your asking with appropriate intent: 'I call forth from the Office of the Christ and in the Truth of the Spirit of Ma'at' - that's what the Voice uses; we taught her that years ago - 'Truthful answers to my questions. Do I have anything going on in my fields that is from the dark, or the astral planes?' If you get a 'yes,' then it's time to send it away out of your fields.

"And you do that with your own voice of empowerment. You can do it with your tools if you wish, adding to the empowerment of your voice. And you can simply say, 'Thank you for showing yourself. You need to return to the source from which you came. I call upon the Violet Flame, or I program my nano-wand, (or however you want to do it) to transform and transmute this energy as it leaves my fields forever,' something like that.  That's pretty powerful stuff, right?

"And always, always, clear yourself. When you're asking for information, make sure, make sure, that you are going to get only from the highest sources the information that you want. It's most important to do that, Beloved Ones. So you're setting the stage, you're clearing your fields to receive, even if you're not asking for specific information in the form of words or energy bundles of thought, or whatever conveys some kind of answers to you. Clear your fields, and then once you know that your fields are cleared, you can test. You want to close your fields off to all but the very highest of energy. We're talking about Love here, all of the Love-based energies - you want to have those only coming into your fields.

"So you can say something to the effect, 'I call forth from the highest realms of Love and Light only the energies of Love, of Joy, of Peace within my being, and I say thank you from the Divine Being I AM to the Divinity of the Universe that this is so. I AM a Being of Love and Light, and I choose to have my entire fields of energy, the totality of my being, filled with the Light of Love only. And I welcome the Love Light all that the Universe chooses to send to me for my very highest and best good!"

"Does anybody feel a little lift-up on that?  I've got to tell you something. You're all shining even brighter, because I can see those things you know. Ah hah, now some of you have crystals and it is wondrous indeed to program your crystals for your altar and your sacred places, where you do your meditations, and maybe even put one in your pocket and take a walk with Mother Gaia. And what happens is that you spread this Love that you're bringing into your being, and you turn it around and beam it out.

"And if you empower what it is that you are wanting to achieve? Do you have a toothache? Close your eyes for a moment, and bring that Love Light right into that tooth. Now empower it with the wand, or with your own hands, if you choose to. You can also program a crystal to be close in your presence. If you have a pendant, and you have a toothache, you can get some tape. Humm! No, not duct tape, we don't recommend duct tape."

Elise: "Like a cloth tape?"

Mother Sekhmet:  "We suggest a cloth, yes, or a paper tape, that's even more gentle on the skin, and you can tape that wondrous tool right over any spot that you might want to have it stay upon, where you know it's not going to stay by itself.  The Voice has done this and gone to bed at night. It takes a lot of tape, but it works. We particularly recommend this for those who have the arthritis, because you've got that far infra red that's going to help the inflammation, and you've got those magnets which are going to help the healing. But you can do this with your own empowerment, so we're not here to dwell on the tools, we're just saying clear, cleanse, and put the healing into it after you're sure you're dealing with, and bringing in the highest of loving energies - Lovebeams!

"Picture Lovebeams coming into your being, only Lovebeams, no attachments of lower frequencies. When you make your Ascension ,Beloved Ones, those lower frequencies are gone anyway. They can't survive. They can't come into the higher dimensions. But what is joyful to do is to be free of them even before you make your Ascension!  And when you do that, you're going to find out your crystalline bodies are going to form up a lot easier, because they won't have that resistance that is trying to block your progress, because that's what the dark energies do.

"And to a certain extent that's what the ego will do. Now the ego is not a dark energy, but the ego can try to hold you back, thinking it's doing its job of taking care for you. The ego has served you well. It has said, 'Run and hide!' when the invaders were coming to attack your village.  It has said, 'Watch out for that guy -he's got a knife, and he'll use it on you if you don't get away. Don't go into that town, they've got the plague there, turn around.' These kinds of things are most useful as we have mentioned.

"And ego has served you well. Thank you ego for serving you well. But your ego is going to muck up your relationships, and your transformation into your crystalline body, if you let it hold you back. It's not your enemy, it's your partner, your life partner of a sort. It just needs to take a little nap. It just needs for you to get up into high vibrations so it feels OK. 'Oh, you made it. You're not in the tar pits of lower 3D, so I can take a nap.' Yes!

"It's not to get rid of your ego, it's not to cleanse out your ego. There's a big difference between your ego and these lower vibrational dark type of energies that we're discussing. And the only reason for discussing them is that you've got to clear, you've got to cleanse, and that really really helps you to go higher, to soar, to fly, whether in your sleep time, or whether it's in your awake time.  This is just one of the many, many, exciting things that you can do with Love and with the highest and best good for all concerned, for all parts of you - how about that -all of your energy fields, all of the components, cells, waves of energy within your being!!!

"You can partner with people who you might call healers, practitioners, or facilitators of healing. You can partner with your Guides, your Angels, Ascended Masters, and of course, I, Sekhmet, am always available to you. You can call upon any of us. You'll find that you'll have a much more direct line of communication when you are, shall we say, cleared for travel. You can come up into a higher vibration, a higher level of being. It is much more delightful, full of Light, for us to come and meet you, because we can do so much more when we fly together in the higher dimensionalities, and that's really what you want to do.

"I don't want to tell you what you want. So let's just put it this way - it is a lot more delightful to spend your time in the higher dimensionalities than in the lower vibrations of the 3D Earth. The higher you can get, and there are the very highest levels of 3D which can be quite pleasant for you, as long as nobody is trying to grab at your feet, or whatever, and keep you down.

"Now we want to talk about another Love, Love of your family and friends. It is so wondrous when you have a child, a parent, a sibling, a best buddy, or someone, maybe even your Soul Mate, aah, maybe even your twin flame in your life on what remains of 3D Earth, and the two of you can soar, or the group of you can soar together. But the Truth of the matter is that on 3D Earth there are many, many, people, and this might include your family, friends, or whomever, your lovers, your neighbors. They're not quite ready to soar.

"The more you can do to clear and cleanse your own self, Beloved Ones, the more you magnetize these ones to you, because they sense, they know, they're getting some messages, they're getting some input, and what they're feeling is: 'Well, you seem real happy today, what's going on with you? You seem to be real joyful today, what's going on with you?'  Invite them to sit down, if they have the time, and simply tell them, 'I have taken responsibility for my own happiness, my own Joy. And I can help you, if you wish, I can share some secrets with you. They're not really secrets, because I don't want them to be, because I'd Love to share them with you.'  And you can start off, and see how much they want to hear from you.

"Why are we bringing this up now?  Well, we've got a lot of energies coming into the Planet, you know, a lot of changes happening, and a lot of Freedom is happening in this World, and a lot of people are wanting to hear more about Love than they are about hatred and war and all of those dark kinds of things. So what we're suggesting to you is that you be prepared. We would say be in tune with them.

"Perhaps it is only one thing that you can share with them. Perhaps you have some music or a CD which helps them to get into balance. Or perhaps you can show them the wand, and if they have a hurting place perhaps you can give them a wanding treatment, and perhaps you can do some Reiki for them or whatever it is that you can share with them, and let them tell you how much they want to explore with you.

"You're all here in mission and purpose, and if you have not heard it from Ashtar, you're hearing it from me. You're all here to help others along their path of healing, and to be in Oneness with all upon the Planet, and this includes all of Mother Gaia's Kingdoms as well.

"We talked about programming crystals. If you have a doggy who has a bed, and maybe the doggy needs to feel Love when you're away, you could leave a crystal, or you could leave the pendant. You could put a pendant on the doggy's collar if you wish. You could program the wand and have it on the table next to the doggy's bed, and program the wand to be beaming Love at your beloved doggy when you need to be away. And this is just one example.

"Open up when you are clear, when you have your ego lulled. Let the Universe flood you with inspiration for what you can do to expand, and share the Love you are. Now here's the rest of the story, because this is really the big part of it. Here's the scoop as we like to say: When you are engaged in programming and sending Love, You feel that Love yourself, you magnify it within yourself. When you are feeling Love, Beloved Ones, how can you possibly drop down into the dumpies of the tar pit, or the box, or whatever it is that you've been in? Freedom becomes yours, and that's your natural state to be in, by the way - Freedom to Love, Freedom to accept Love, and Freedom to share Love. This is self-empowerment!!! This is giving and receiving all in one big beautiful bundle. It spirals in. You send it out, and more comes in and more and more and more. And the more you do this the more you help to clear out any blockages you might have.

"We were talking about arthritis - it's painful. Well, pay attention to what arthritis might be conveying to you. Are you angry about something? Send Love! Send healing energy to your arthritis! Ho'oponopono is great to use with that too! And know that the more you do that, the more the arthritis transforms, or transmutes, or just plain dissolves away. We don't want to get too technical here. The brain of the Voice doesn't particularly want to get into the deep science of arthritis. But on 'miraculous cures,'  we quote 'Healings and miracles can happen when you let go of that anger, so that you let go of the inflammation, or you transmute the inflammation to just Love.'

"And 'Voila!'  (You know I like the French language.) It happens, it happens. So empower yourselves with Love. Empower yourselves to take charge. Empower yourselves to be responsible for checking in, and for finding out what's going on within your fields. And then address it from the highest levels of Love and Joy that you possibly can raise yourselves into. And Yes You Can! You can do it all. There is nothing that you cannot create for yourselves, and there is all of the support and the Love that the Universe has for you to do so.

"Wooh! Breathe that in. Now, we are going to ask you that you breathe. Take some deep breaths in and just breathe out, breathe in and breathe out. We shall begin breathing in, breathing out, breathe in the air of Love into your being. Allow it to circulate throughout. And if there be any energies of a lower vibration, such as we have been discussing, it is now time to literally breathe them out.

"If you have your wand circle it, or call in, the Violet Ray - it is delightful. Well, St. Germain is here you know. So breathe out and let the Violet Ray transform and transmute whatever it is of a lower vibration in your being. Breathe in Love.

"Breathe out that which is wise to breathe out. Call forth from the highest levels of Joy and Love, and from the Office of the Christ ,the Truth of your vibration. Where are you? Are you vibrating high with Love? Test and get the answer. Can you feel the Love waves entering your being, and assisting you in lifting up throughout your totality of your fields of energy? We're sending some additional ones, you know, with you because we Love to partner with you in these endeavors. Let these waves permeate your totality.

"And now ask your ego, 'Are you awake ego, or are you asleep?' If you find that your ego is awake, then send your ego a loving message, 'Thank you so much, ego, for being a part of me. You have served me so well and I AM so grateful for all of the adventures that we have had together in this and other lifetimes. Beloved ego, you deserve a rest, and so I'm going to ask you to stay with me, but to take a nap as long as you like. Sleep, sleep, and enjoy the Peace of the rest you so deserve. So just get into the back seat and go to sleep with Love.

"Feel the Peace that that brings to you, Beloved Ones. Feel the Joy of that, and now let us journey. Let us journey upward if you want a direction, taking all of your energy fields, your past, present, parallel and dimensional selves, and all of your bodies, and let us just come together in a high dimensional place. And let us give the intent together:

"I now call forth the Lovelight even more into my being, and I empower myself with it even more, and I know that it enhances and empowers my energies, my gifts, and my sharing with the World and the Universe beyond. I call forth my wellness, and I program my energy fields for my well being, my perfect balance, my forward movement upon my Ascension Path, and I choose to move forward at a pace which is exactly for my highest and best good, which is gentle and yet empowering, which is peaceful and yet exhilarating. It's my path and I see it clearly before me, and I move along it with grace and ease, because I AM connected with the totality of who I AM, and with the Love of the Universe beyond.  And I invite my Beloved Guides to join with me in this fabulous journey, this journey home, this journey of Love, and Light, and Joy, in all of my being. And I send this message out to the entire World and the Universe beyond, that all who may welcome it into their fields are welcome to do so. And I stand tall in the Light of the Love I AM, and I commit once more to my mission, my service, and to being the Love in all of my thoughts and words, and deeds, because that is who I came here to be!"

"Breathe! Feel the power, feel the Love. You can do this anytime you wish. You can use your words of your own creation. We're only offering this as a guide, but it is a wondrous way of empowering who you really are, and all that you choose to create for your Joy, and your upliftment.

"So keep on breathing.... Namaste!"

* Songs for the Inner Child by Shaina Noll


Transcription by Arnold Neal Troeh

Given through Susan Leland, February 15, 2011 © Ashtar On The Road Publications 2011.  All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.

While we understand your desire to have Ashtar answer your personal questions, Susan's schedule does not allow the time for her to do so.  Please consider registering for a private session with Ashtar channelled by Susan as an alternative.


This year is truly Marching along and so are we at  On our next teleconference this Tuesday, March 1st, we will be introducing another delightful and empowering energy tool to help us all uplift and prepare even more for our Ascension journeys.

Mother Sekhmet will be presenting her program "Yes I Can 101" on our next call, as she is so special at generating a loving, contagious enthusiasm for our success in empowering our own wellness.

We hope you will plan to share your experiences and any questions you may have regarding these Ascension Energy Tools and their uses on this call.   Also, Elise is happy to assist with your Ascension Energy Tools questions, if you wish to email her at

Free* Ascension Energy Tools Call Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Sign-ons start at 6:15 pm PST, the program starts promptly at 6:30 pm PST 
Phone: **1-712-432-0075  Access Code: 942540# 
* While there is no registration fee for this call, you are, as always, responsible for your own long distance phone charges.
**The phone and pin numbers for these tools calls are always the same.
Save on Long Distance Charges - Jim Gow has graciously provided an easy walk-through process to download the free Skype dashboard to your computer, so you can join with us on our teleconferences without long distance charges if you have a high speed connection. 

What a gift are these amazing Ascension Energy Tools!  When I read about them, I first was somehow astonished and sceptical, especially about the Nano Facial Beauty Wand-Roller.  In my old programming wrinkles and dark spots (I have quite a lot of them J) just belonged to aging.

Then I thought: "Why not? Let me try it!“  And it really works!  Now, you must consider my age: 78 years and nine months… I am very grateful for the support these wonderful Energy Tools bring to my old physical body.  Thanks to all of you who make them available.  I tuned in the two Teleconferences you held last month. They are very helpful and informative.   Namaste,  H. S.  Switzerland

Namaste, Susan, Fran and Elise
