ASHTAR's Previeuw for 3-8-11 (11-11) Call

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Ashtar's Preview of 3-8-11 (11-11) Teleconference
"Greetings, Beloved Family!  As always, we shall have much to report when next we gather!*  We are focusing intently on the World's voices, as all of Mother Gaia's kingdoms are speaking out for Peace, Freedom and Abundance.
"You are, of course, aware of the human aspect of what I am saying.  Make no mistake about this - It is the human kingdom which, in raising such passionate voice, is leading the way forward into the long-awaited changes!  All of the other kingdoms, and Mother Gaia herself, are responding, each in their own way, to this human momentum.
"The crystals are awakening, or activating, at an intensified speed, because their wait is over.  The plants and animals who will be ascending are evolving, although not as intensely as you humans, because they are already in peaceful knowledge of their destination.   And you humans are experiencing varying phases of preparations for your part in the Great Ascension!
"We are very 'tuned in' to you and your experiences, and we have great compassion for the challenges you may be facing.  Some of you are in deep financial lack, others are struggling with disharmonious relationships, yet others are having painful physical traumas.  Be joyful - You are now in the timeflow (March) which is bringing you such empowering energies, even more so than before, that you can claim your Mastery with more ease than ever!!!


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YES I CAN, 101!

 4 March 2011
Channeler: Susan Leland

YES I CAN, 101!

March, 1, 2011

"Well Greetings Everybody! It is I, Mother, humm, I'm quite young at heart. So you can just call me Sekhmet. I have changed my image considerably since those days in Egypt when I was considered to be very stern and even war-like. I had an unfortunate incident, and it kind of colored my reputation as a vengeful, punishing kind of Goddess. What I really had passion for doing was healing, and I was in charge of healing for ancient Egypt, so I worked with the priests and the priestesses, because they were the healers.

MOTHER SEKHMET, Ascension Tools Teleconference, 2-15-11

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Mother Sekhmet, Ascension Tools Teleconference, 2/15/11

Elise:  "Greetings Mother Sekhmet, it's wonderful that you're with us on the call today!"

Mother Sekhmet:  "Oh it's wonderful to be here. First I have a message of Love for all of you wondrous beings who are on the call, and who will listen later. You're all my Valentines, and I just Love you beyond words, and that's why I'm here really. We started this class, it's called: 'Yes I Can 101!' Now, the 'Yes I Can,' of course, comes from a great being of Light and Love upon our Planet.

ASHTAR's Report 2-22-11 Add Your Support!

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Ashtar addressing the February 22, 2010 teleconference:

"Well, Good Evening, and Greetings to all of you, Beloved Ones, and Good Morning if you're in that part of the World. We are so delighted that we are here together!  And yes, you heard it.  I AM wound up, or what did she say, 'wired!' I AM so full of passion and passionate expression, and why, is because we have been waiting for this moment, did you know that?  Well, we didn't tell you.

ASHTAR's Preview - 2-22 Teleconference

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Marchers in Wisconsin-February 2011
Ashtar's Preview of the 2-22-2011 Teleconference: 
"Greetings, Beloved Family!  We shall have much to say when next we gather, and it shall be a grand celebration indeed!  We shall be celebrating the successes of the Freedom marchers, even as we pay tribute to those who have fallen along the way to these successes.  Their contribution cannot be underestimated, and they have all served with courage and dedication.  We shall also be giving our perspective on the outcome of all of these events. 
"You already can f


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