Move Beyond Lack - Mayan Messages

will's picture

MOVE BEYOND LACK  “This world has an unsurpassed amount of abundance available to you. Having a sense of lack in any area is not necessary. Break through these codes and the behaviors that keep you in the poorhouse. Expand your worldview and way of thinking and allow yourself to flow with nature and enjoy the blessings offered freely to you.

Return to your roots where life is simpler, less stressful and full of healthy food and family values. You have lost your sense of tribe. It is time to gather with like-minded souls and create communities in which you support and nurture each other. These communities can provide great wealth in food, knowledge and love. What better commodities can you think of?   Selamet!  Ben 2”

To read this Message in its entirety, scroll to Day 93 at:



Oneness becoming more prevalent

Justicar's picture

Wow that is So weird< I Am was saying the same things to me yesterday. I Am said "Do you see nature all around you? are they not all fed and clothed even better than a King? Man is the only one who chooses not to see the abundance around him so by choice he strives and hungers. let those that have eyes see and an open mind understand, for one can not put new wine in an old wineskin. Renew your mind."