On spiritual journies I have found that many of us have searched for our Twin Flames/ Twin Rays. Some of us have found ones they thought to be their twins and found that they really weren't. I had an ahh ha moment today as I was doing some research online. Have you ever noticed how absolutly no one online can agree as to who is really who's twin flame. Here are just a few of the contrasts so to speak. Edgar Cayce says that Jesus and Mother Mary are twin flames, others say that Jesus is Mary Magdelane's Twin Flame and that Mother Mary is twin flames with the angel Raphael. Other sources says Jesus is Lady Nada's twin flame and that Mary Magdelane is John the Baptists and others that she is the twin flame to the angel Azrael. There are stories that say that Lady Nada is John the Baptists twin flame and others that pair her with Lord Maitreya. There are others that show Lord Maitreya and Qwan Yin as twin flames.
With all this confusion I wonder if in some ways the beings that are incarnated as these beings sometimes have to go through and experience relationships with all of these different beings in order to know what is truth and which is the lie. For inwardly one must clear out the confusion and the lies due to programming in order to see the bigger picture. If our brain is an organic computer then everything...all energy flows through it. To clear out the ego programming is it possible that one must first shed light on the illusion and lies to be able to experience the absolute truth.
I had a very interesting experience and felt the need to share since we are talking about Twin Flames and confusion that surrounds it. A friend randomly came to visit on Halloween one night when we were living in Colorado. He looked at me and he's like hypothetically what would it mean if Willow (Will and My daughter) was Qwan Yin. I didn't really say anything that night yet I notivced something as time passed. Everyone around us...including myself at that time passed judgment on her living situation. On what she was experiencing and people wanted to interfere. Yet Qwan Yin is a Goddess that represents total compassion and unconditional love. The Mother Mary that came to the Eastern Cultures. Now a few experiences to share...I was quite shocked to learn that one of her favorite movies was Mikado...at a little over a year old she wanted to watch Asian plays...it confused me a bit but I was like ok. Then randomly one night Zen whom Mother and Father God always felt was Willow's Twin, his Mother Lanie and myself were in the Sancutary room. Zen is 3 months younger then Willow both being born on the full moon's. This little guy had only spoken the words mama, dada, mikey and desi. So his vocabulary was quite small, his parents are two Krishna devotees. So randomly I look at him and I am like "Zen if Willow really is Qwan Yin who does that make you" He looks at me grins and says "Buddah" I laughed so hard I was on the floor. This little guy answered this question so honestly that Spirit literally came through him in the moment and allowed him to find and say a word he had never even really been exposed to. I mean he didn't even have to answer me...but something caused him to express himself. Lanie told me that at the same moment Zen said Buddah the word also poped into her mind...Lord Maitreya is known as the Planetary Buddah.
The reason I share this is that there are things that flow through us. Some being the highest truth and others being lies because of the confusion that is still out there. The Light must shine so that there is no more confusion. Truth must always shine through.
I know personally that I had shared some experiences with a being I thought to be my Twin. They could very much be real...but then again who knows. The first night we really spent time together we had sat on his bed. We merely placed our hands together and I watched as my life flashed before my eyes and how my past I watched as these images just fell away. Other experiences like the first time I was with him after almost a year and being with him suddenly if but for a moment I had the ability to quite literally see in the dark like a cat...like there was a flashlight placed behind my eyes. Yet this was gone as soon as I started questioning things again and letting the ego mind get out of control. The most interesting thing I shared with him. Was that we were laying on the floor upstairs in front of the fire. I felt him drift off and quite literally felt his spirit enter my body. Suddenly we mereged so completely that I felt this pillar of light shoot from my body but it frightened me and i pushed him away. I have noticed that no matter what there was still fear present within me and that caused all my doubts and the ego to run away with me. It took me on many journies that's for sure. Yet at the exact same time it also reminds me of a dream that I had either right before or right after I gave birth to Willow. I was on the Starships...I had had these dreams numerous times before. My Twin would always be up there talking and I would be beside him. Yet in this one I entered into the empty room with them and knew something was wrong. I went to the very back of the room. Even in my subconscious I knew that I had to assist in gathering the people together and that my work was far from complete. Then in the dream Mother God and my Twin came to me and they were working on my brain in the same way they have always assisted others. Then suddenly everything was telepathic between everyone. My Twin through out the term marriage and I freaked even in the dream. My biggest fear has always been commitment...especially because I always second guess myself.
Yet these experiences have led me on my journey since then. I can not say I regret running in fear since it has allowed me to clear up confusion that has not only been within myself and my own mind. But confusion/illusions that many others are still attached to as well. I've learned there are never really any mistakes in life....especially when you are following your heart, your mission and doing exactly what your supposed to. Everything always occurs for a reason even if we don't understand it in the moment...or are even conscious of it occurring. Always trust in the flow of Love...for Fear...well that's an illlusion...yet it must be overcome with Love.
twin flames
I found mine & was with him twice, but he turned me away third time, I grieved so long for him, & rejoiced when I thought we'd be together a third time & wasn't, I grieve aagin, how can I move past this? it's there all the time, I failed, I lost.. I feel imcomplete alone.
Honestly it's all about
Honestly it's all about working on the self and holding energy. Me and my Twin were together 3 different times and I ran away each and every time. The first 1 because of a situation that occured involving a friend. The second well that's hard 2 explain but the third was the strangest because it delt w/ my abilities as a medium and fully coming to understand the power of our thoughts. I no longer worry if he's my Twin or not. If he is awesome if he's not then ohh well I'll find that being eventually. If we are meant to be together we shall...for with twins it's all about the shared energy vibration and the joint mission that you each share. As long as I do what I am meant to fulfilling my mission that's all that matters to me....me being the Love I am shared with everyone else. :) I used to feel bad at times...but non-attachment really assists.
I feel that way
I do feel that way most of the time, but I still grieve, it's not fair that we're meant to be together & he chooses for us both. I have gone on alone so long, but the pain still rises from tme to time, other times it's just a small thing, other times I feel worse. I try to let go, at times i do, then again there it is.. I tried to replace him searching for next best match, but even though I believe 'souls seeks souls alike', I feel he's the only light to match mine. I know i was lucky both times, but i still want more.
its painful
again this am, woke up aware of being without twin flame, I still hurt, I want to allow this to pass, part does anyway, but still want to be near to him. is this the dualilty fighting within?
I know the feeling. Yet in
I know the feeling. Yet in all honesty it's best to just let go. They are emotions that need to be released. Even though it's difficult to do the truth remains is you have to raise above those emotional attachments that you had to that being. Then connect energetically with your true Twin...no matter what if the being was/is your twin you'll always be connected energetically...if not then you will eventually jolin with your true partner.
I know the potential we have, I miss that love we had, I miss the magic.. I have worked on lessening the pain, realizing somehow I will do what i need to do anyway, I do know we'll still be connected, i feel cheated though, I needed him one more time..it's simple dissappointment in this physical plane. all good, I just needed one more time..this go around.. I do know also he was there for the most important work, which I am grateful, but i still need him, that's the hard part, he lives, & not too far from me, it's maddening.
I really love this !
thank you beautiful one.