NCDC June 2013 Global Climate Report

Desert Gypsy's picture, 7/19/13

June 2013 Global Temperature Anomalies

According to NOAA scientists, the globally averaged temperature for June 2013 tied with 2006 as the fifth warmest June since record keeping began in 1880. It also marked the 37th consecutive June and 340th consecutive month (more than 28 years) with a global temperature above the 20th century average. The last below-average June temperature was June 1976 and the last below-average temperature for any month was February 1985.

Many areas of the world experienced higher-than-average monthly temperatures, including north-central Canada, most of Alaska and the western United States, much of northern and eastern Europe, western Russia, part of northern Siberia, and north-central Australia. Meanwhile, northeastern Canada, much of western and southern Europe, central Asia, Far East Russia, and most of India were notably cooler than average

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