The New Children and the Job

Yojman's picture


Lovers of Peace, as you breathe,

and sigh a “happy to be here sigh,”

in your bright visions today, we as a group

could be of rich service to the Great Plan

by connecting with the children

and the entire younger generation.

They not only will be going through

the experience of watching complete systems

collapse and dissolve, but will have

the responsibility of staying in Harmony.

They have much to be busy about,

“our young ones,” on every continent.

Part of our great service to their mission is

to Cause the Angels and other God Forces

to protect and be immediately close

to those Re-Builders.

Also, remember

You are a vast multidimensional

God Being of great Light.

You are the Father/Mother God

and by your realizing that, you know,

you can have anything You want.


Remember also, it is the God Power in you,

as you – the director. Yes?

Better to be God now, than later. Yes!


…I Am That, I AM!

I Am the One thinking these thoughts.

I Am Feeling the Great Ones nurture

and protect our youth, everywhere.

I See, I Feel, I Know.