The New Earth is Rising…Fully Realized

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Created on 07/01/2013


imagesWe are here to help with more information on this subject.  There is a quickening of energy right now that is flowing from prime source to the Earth in a beautiful way.  We are delighted to be here with this our messenger she is working with us in order to do her planetary service.

Before a being, can pass through this stage of development, they must be in service to community as well as humanity first, several initiations will occur. With this great change happens, purification begins, before the initiate is robed with there Mastery, to do this work.

We are the Archangels, who come today to work in this realm, for only a short time. As you make your choices to Ascend in this lifetime, the process begins and the disciple of Christ, walks the Earth, with steadfast love and support for all beings.

As the initiate looks at every human being as the Christ, the love expands out to the masses. An initiate will hold the codes and keys, to enter the temples of the Earth, and above, to ground the energy here.

The sparks of light, you all came in on, will be remembered and reactivated. The masses are waking up, in phenomenal proportions, this is due to the energy from the Christed Light,  coming to the earth at this time.

The exquisite sounds of Nature, streams of energy weaving in and out of creation,  enfold our very being,  like a bride to a groom. The flower is an example, of this creation at work.

It  opens to the Sun’s light.  The flower, the stigma, ovule, connecting to the Mother, to create a new birth. The incredible love that occurs is effortless, it just is, not forced or manipulated. It happens, even without our knowing.

Our own mechanisms, inside us, male or female embodiment, work in the same fashion. Female is both sex combined together in one embodiment.  Male produces, for the female to create life.

The number five in Nature, occurs in most things. Five petals, Five points on the sand dollar, Five pointed star, The Five Elements. The corresponding element, activates the nature, to become. Water, Earth, Fire, Air, Ether,  when mixed together, create an alchemy, for creation to occur.

A small narrow pinpoint in the womb, when entered, will bring forth a sweetness, which feeds the very nature, of existence.  In meditation we can only tap into a portion of this incredible energy. For if you were to receive it all at once, instant combustion, could occur.

Later, we can discuss that aspect of creation. Beloved, it is time, for us to take our leave of you. Only a selected teaching, was covered here today. More will be explained and given in detail, at a later date,  through stages.

You are loved beyond measure. We now take our leave.

Permission is granted to use this post as long as it is used in its entirety with the website and credit is given to the author(s). Sheilah Blaxill

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