~ Judith Kusel
www.judithkusel.wordpress.com -
The New Light Frequency Rays activated by the solar storms:
There are immense changes coming to Planet Earth and her people within the next few weeks and months. Inherently this is because the Platinum, Emerald, Ruby and Diamond Rays as well as the Crystal Clear ones, are now opening up the cell memory banks, as the new DNA strands are being activated – 12, 24 and 36. This means there is far more which is going on inside the human physical, emotional, spiritual and mental bodies than the naked eyes can sense of see.
It is therefore very important to keep the physical body free of all radicals; all alcohol and drugs or any artificial induced methods which make the soul wide open to negative entities and influences. Such-like then in any form which is of lower vibrational frequencies, and thus not of the purest Light and Love.
There are many octaves of being and thus one then has to understand that the physical body has to be prepared on multiple levels in order to truly be able to absorb these new energies. As much as one then is soul and spiritual, one is also the mental, emotional and the physical form and both of these are getting immensely affected at this time.
First of all – the diamond ray and the crystal clear rays are the rays of PURIFICATION – thus removing all impurities from the physical body, as well as all four other bodies.
A lot Light workers get stuck on the emotional and spiritual level of life, and forget that one is here to ANCHOR in these rays and then to make them visible and thus activated in all forms of life. It is no use if one is floating amongst the higher realms of Angels etc. and the Divine Mother for instance, and one does not anchor in this work on the earthly plane. Most of these souls forget that true mastery lies then in truly living life on this planet and then bringing in and anchoring in the New Golden Age on planet Earth. This is where the true work lies – and not being dis-grounded and floating around in the heavens.
There is thus great need to use TOOLS in order to truly being able to assimilate these immensely high frequency rays. It means that one has to consciously in meditation and in the working of and with these rays, anchor them in through the physical, emotional, spiritual and mental bodies and then into the earth – once this is done, to expand this into ALL 12 bodies and then radiate this out to the world.
It lies with the full activation of the energy wheels inside the body, all systems, not just the chakras but then going further to activate the 33 other energy systems and then going further than that the 330 other energy systems which are now being opened up.
There is at this time, thus immense expansion of the ability of human form to absorb these massive inflow of PURIFICATION energies – It has to do with immense cleansing of the emotional body, where stuck particles which look like tar, and snake-like tentacles, and mud, sticky mud, is stuck to energy centers of the physical body, and then this includes ALL of them – even the ones human kind has forgotten about, to get them truly cleaned up.
There is much work to be done, and some are very reluctant to do this inner clearing and cleaning work. Some indeed, refuse to do this and believe that they can gain from staying in the present mode. This is not true.
Mastery means the ability to gain mastery over oneself – thus the negative ego, which does not like discipline and which does not like doing the inner work. There is not one single soul on this planet alive at this time – who does not need to work on him or herself constantly and thus keep at doing this inner clearing work and reconnecting on a daily basis with the Divine Source and asking for assistance in doing so.
Look around you – your body reflects that of Planet Earth and with every bit of clearing you do in your own body, you are assisting Planet Earth to clear as well, for your physical form in intimately linked and reflects that of Planet Earth. If you do not do inner clearing work – how can you then assist the clearing of Mother Earth? If you are not prepared to change from deep inside, how can you then expect others to change, the Earth and all its leaders included?
The purification goes to the core – it goes to the whole mental body and its thinking – it goes to the way that thinking thoughts affect your health and your own state of mind. What is it you are thinking? What is it that through your thinking you are bringing out into the world, through your words and deeds? For essentially what you think – you become and are! If your thinking is polluted, then your words become polluted and are a pollutant to all those around you – for your words which you write, and say are what essentially there in your mind.
When the mind acts on its own, then it can bring immense harm to others – just like it can uplift others – for it is the mind which creates war and mind which invents an atom bomb and the mind which triggers the same.
When the mind is not connected to the heart – and thus to the Divine then it can become a destructive tool. Just like when the mind, is so steeped in negative thinking and thought that it destroys one’s life – for what you think you attract. Such is the power one has to understand here. One has to harness one’s mind to the heart and then to POWER OF LOVE WILL AND PURPOSE, as one, single unit, for indeed it is one and same.
These rays of intense purification then go to the core and it will strip naked to the core and will open up immense collective memory banks of all those souls who have come here to clear this.
It means that groups of soul who were involved in great trauma at one stage or another, where the collective psyche was immensely traumatized will have to do mass clearing on their own and the collective to clear those memory banks. This goes with spiritual persecution or persecution by race or any persecution and then also war. Those who have been involved in wars will need to have clearing inside and out, for the scars of war and persecution often run over many lifetimes – and these souls have taken upon themselves to clear these memory banks once and for all.
These rays will activate the diamond heart rays of those souls who have come in for higher mission and thus some have come collectively, as some soul groups have volunteered to uplift mankind and hold the light steady collectively so that the rest can rise.
This is especially true of the soul group called the ILLUMINED ONES or the Ancient Ones of the Shining Ones, for they have been involved here from the beginning of time. They shall be the anchor and stay for humanity and bring about the changes from the core and depth of their heart and souls. They are highly evolved souls, who bring in the understanding of mankind of HIGHER HEALING, HIGHER WISDOM, KNOWLEDGE AND TEACHING.
The other soul group involved is THE GRACES, who bring the grace of forgiveness and the grace to forgive and all that grace brings from the depths of the Divine. They bring in the GRACE of the DIVINE, as they are the harbingers of Grace-in-action and thus bring the grace of God back to humankind.
They are supported by THE LOVING ONES, who are here in nearly their whole capacity, as they are indeed the ones leading humanity back to the art of loving from the depths of their being and then being anchored in love and radiating out love, and bringing in the whole immense radiation of Love and assisting the Divine Mother to bring this about.
In all there is much work to be done, and these souls need to now fully allow themselves to be activated and used in Higher Service to the Divine.
When a soul is ready to step into this higher service, then a soul will be put through initiations in the inner planes – indeed, they will be stripped naked to the very core for all which no longer serves their highest soul purpose will have to be purified and cleansed away, as then the soul start moving into its Higher Soul Self, and thus then the negative ego has to step out of the way.
Here then is the massive purification rays all being beamed to earth – it is indeed the time of harvesting, as has been prophesized and is happening now.
Judith Kusel
May I ask... What are the 33-330 energy systems, is it automatic functions after chakra while grounding, if someone knows I just need to clarify, and be able to learn the concept or "remember" thank you. I have had a long day, my sister and cousins graduation, I'm happy for them. I've gone to the ceremonies and family party, lot's of ppl and was anchoring light energies en mass, I didn't quite no why I knew I was transmutting some to, everyone was quite energetic and amazing temperatures up here with clear skys and wind haha and I came across this post and it resonates deeply... anyhow was wondering about the 330 I got up energies visuals from center sun and down here spreading up light in complex matter, had two spots where vortexes where emitting darker rays they got sealed or replaced, its been over two or 3 days now I get these visuals complex energies englobing up to universal lenghts but it seems futuristic ? Like something that takes awhile, well goodnight to all on here haha I'm going to try to get some sleep, peace and light to all, we even got some protesters down here but I got no clue how far thats going to go, I think its for the shale gaz, it dont look good anw haha better times all come, best wishes to all be at one peace.
Please be careful not to give dangerously false information...
Do you know the following to be true?: "It is therefore very important to keep the physical body free of all radicals; all alcohol and drugs or any artificial induced methods which make the soul wide open to negative entities and influences. Such-like then in any form which is of lower vibrational frequencies, and thus not of the purest Light and Love."
I doubt you do know this is true because I am certain it is completely false and dangerous. A glass of wine is known to produce health-benefits: what is far, far more harmful is that people are distracted from the now, and incalcated into fearful thinking, because of completely false information suggesting what to do and what not to do. I am being guided to be completely free, and it is through the strength of freedom, congraguity, wholeness etc that our souls gain strength. What you have written is reaction, prejudice, thinking you know it all - and it is deeply damaging to impressionable souls if you ask me. I would urge you not only to retract this and other statements which have come from your frontal lobes and not a deeper knowing, otherwise the consequences will be quite horrendous - fear attracts negative entities, while blind, ignorant complacency from 'know-it-alls' creates karma. I'm just stating my deeply felt view here - it's up to people to discern truth for themselves. I wouldn't follow advice from anyone right now if I were you.
Thank you
My emails where sent in my junc folder I got no idee why... And I'm free of drugs alchohol all that. Its never ending man I wished Id seen this sooner.. There is a thunder storm now, I dont know how to explain the mind control its destructive I shouldent of decided to come out with it so complex
may peace be with you
Please be careful not to be judgemental
Well, the simple truth is that I am you and all of this projection of judgement is returning to you now for clearing/transmuting. There is no intentional dis-information here as it is clearly stated "or any artificial induced methods which make the soul wide open to negative entities and influences." A glass of wine would hardly fall into this category. Not only that, but your entire case seems to be based on this one non-issue.
You kind of gutted that quote
You kind of gutted that quote to get rid of the worst part "all alcohol and drugs or any artificial induced methods which make the soul wide open to negative entities and influences." so yes, a glass of wine does fall into what they're talking about. It says to avoid all of that stuff, which is not necessary.
In december
I was experiancing with amphetemines, thats why I was saying I will take "s" aka speed and "c" aka see... from my posts with about 12 coments, the 8hz frequency band can bring about psychic abilitys, I am still wondering how father/mother god see's all raised frequency? I think I understand. There is experiments going on I can tell you that much, there are multiple forces at play. Ground scientists are trying to achieve something. I know much info about Haarp and similiaritys... I say Haarp but their is a wide range of technology beeing utilized that has not come out yet. I may seem that I dont KNOW that they are controlling, but that is not the point, Mastering is the point=Body transformation "inner alchemy"
Anti Depressants
Hi , I have been diagnosed with mood disorder and depression . I have been on these medication for 21 years . As you have mentioned to be off Alcohol and drugs . I am wondering whether this counts as anything that is artificially induced . Sometimes i feel my medications could be coming in what i could really achieve . Would that be true ? I have made great changes in the way i think and feel but i am worried my medications could be slowing down my entire process towards ascension . Thank You .Hamina.
Thosse medications are far
Thosse medications are far dangerous and poison the pineal gland. A Replacement for this is Called Collidial Gold. Now, We do not suggest getting off these as this could be dangerous for You. We have many who have successfully gotten off the Medications and replaced it with natural things Like collidial gold. If This is something You are interested in Hearing about, You can Use Our contact Us form and We can give You More INformation. Drinking alchohol in no ways invite negative entities. The issue it does bring up is if its used as a distraction and then unhealed things will come up to the surface. All our Love
Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!