New Moon In Libra: Changes In Relationships

will's picture

by Carmen Di Luccio, Collective Evolution

We are having a New Moon in Libra on October 19th at 7:12pm Universal Time. This marks a new wave of energy influencing the upcoming lunar month, yet the astrological configurations at this time will be the strongest over the following two weeks leading up to the Full Moon on November 3rd/4th.

Libra energies have been present for the last month — since the previous Equinox, which is when the Sun always enters this sign. As an air sign, it is social and intellectual. Libra is about all types of relationships, as well as balance, fairness, equality, and diplomacy. Consideration of others’ needs is also a theme, as well as anything to do with beauty, aesthetics, and even creativity and the love of art.

New Moon Opposite Uranus, Conjunct Jupiter in Scorpio

However, the Libra-related needs may be at odds with the opposing Uranus in Aries if both sides are not integrated. This is something that we have already been experiencing on and off since late last year, and also in recent months, during Jupiter’s opposition with Uranus in the same signs. Uranus in Aries is about freedom, breaking free, independence, rebellion, and separations, but in some cases it may even bring new ways of applying ourselves within relationships/partnerships.

This aspect with Uranus may also bring some surprises and sudden changes throughout this Moon cycle, which may be disruptive. This effect will be particularly strong at the time of the New Moon and potentially the day before.

Although this New Moon is in Libra, along with Venus and Mars later on, Scorpio energy will be very prevalent throughout this month, as Jupiter entered this sign nine days prior. Mercury also recently joined. The Sun will be there as well, three and a half days after this New Moon (on October 23rd), as it does every year at this time, but this time it will be joining Jupiter there.

While Libra is associated with relating and relationships, Scorpio represents the deeper aspects of these things, such as deep bonding, sex, and shared values/resources, along with deep desires, fears, intensity, investments, taxes, debts, secrets, hidden matters, suspicions, and mysteries. Negative Scorpio traits include jealousy, possessiveness, power, control, and manipulation over others. It is raw, primal, powerful, complex, and can even be profound and transformative.

Jupiter, along with being triggered by the Sun, is highlighting these themes. An example of this is what is being talked about in the media regarding sexual harassment in Hollywood. On a more positive note, we may also experience an expansive energy related to Scorpio themes. Jupiter is about learning and growing, so this can be a great time to apply this toward the Scorpio themes mentioned above. It can also be related to deep studies and deeper understanding of certain subjects and how things work, which can be done in a way that is penetrating and even obsessive.

Mars Entering Libra, Mercury Trine Neptune, and Venus Square Pluto

Mars is going into Libra on October 22nd and will be extending some of the Libra themes for a while, as it will stay there until December 9th. Traditionally, this is viewed as a poor pairing with Mars, which likes to be direct and assertive. Libra can be indecisive and likes to take things into consideration before acting so it can make both sides happy. Throughout this period, we may find that our actions require more deliberation, which can be more challenging for highly assertive people.

Mercury in Scorpio is moving toward a trine with Neptune that will be exact on October 24th. Mercury represents how we process thoughts and communicate, and when in Scorpio, can allow for deeper communication. Its trine with Neptune can deepen intuition and connection to the unseen and unconscious, as well as the thoughts of others. This can also be great for creative Mercurial communicative pursuits such as poetry, music, and visual arts such as photography and video.

Venus returned home to Libra five days prior to this New Moon and will stay there until November 7th. Despite the New Moon’s opposition with Uranus mentioned above, and some upcoming challenging aspects that Venus is making, this can still bring some harmony to our relationships and our social lives.

However, as we approach October 27th-28th, Venus will be moving toward a square with Pluto, which could trigger already existing Scorpio themes of jealousy, possessiveness, fears, as well as passionate intensity and obsessiveness in relationships. It could also bring challenging or hidden issues to the surface as well, and we may display compulsive behaviours toward loved ones. In some cases, financial issues, or anything to do with aesthetics, might become problematic in some of the same ways. Mercury will also be in an aspect with Pluto at the same time, which can reinforce some of things already mentioned but can also help us look at the issues from a deeper perspective, as it is also in Scorpio.

Making Intentions and Things to Consider

In what new ways can or should you express yourself in your relationships? What themes are being triggered at this New Moon now that are related to what has unfolded over the last few months, and what can you do to take a new step forward? What are the deep underlying issues at play here and how can you use this awareness to facilitate changes, transformations, and better decisions? What considerations do you need to make to ensure that you are taking a balanced approach in your actions? What is the root cause of your fears, obsessions, or compulsive behaviours?

These are just some examples of what your intentions can be oriented around, but they don’t need to be limited to them. The exact time of this New Moon will be at 7:12pm Universal Time on October 19th. You can click here to find out what that is in your time zone. It is best to make your intentions as close to the New Moon is possible, but they can even be done within the first 24 hours following. However, the best time for making intentions would be within the first half hour following or just prior.

Looking for more insight on how this period is affecting you? Or perhaps looking to better understand your life and its potentials? Get a personalized astrology reading with Carmen (author of this article) specific to you based on your exact birth date, time, and location. Click here for more information or to order. You can also FOLLOW ME on Instagram for more astrology related content.
