The Next Best Thing To Free Energy Is Likely Coming Soon

Galactic Free Press's picture

I'm rather skeptical of anything that comes from Lockheed Martin, they're a huge part of the military-industrial complex, but this is interesting nonetheless:


Aerospace and defense technology company, Lockheed Martin, recently announced its intent to bring compact fusion technology to the world, first in military and defense applications, then in public energy initiatives. This signals an exceptional corporate push to develop something so of tremendous importance for the future of human kind.

The present nuclear program relies on fission, the splitting of atoms in order to produce nuclear energy, which is exceptionally dangerous, producing a global infrastructure of aging power plants and radioactive waste disposal facilities...



Way I see it, its a good

ParadoxMind's picture

Way I see it, its a good thing they're even willing to admit they have this technology. Won't be too aweful long and Solar Warden will be public.