The Next Enormous Leap

Yojman's picture


Special Forces of Love Supreme,

We ask this of each other and we,

of necessity, must contemplate this…


Many of us know that we are here as a group

and that “greater things shall ye do.”

It takes a “small group of devotees”

to effect the whole of Nature.

Please consider realizing, in your own

unique way that you and I are part of

“Daily Group Assistance”

to all of Nature and Humanity.

This includes those who are on a

destructive path (for now) as well.

So they can move on ASAP.

So now we re-up this receivership

by stepping-up and harnessing our Superpower.

Feel this Truth.

When a majority of Humanity

releases a burst of Compassionate Feeling

of healing intent to life on Earth,

The Whole of Daily Life Will Change, Instantly.

We create the “starter.”

We leave this to your Mastery to contemplate.

"Next," we will choose and choose again...

as a “large group” of Universal I AM,

doing on Earth, the Miracle Flow.

* Freely, powerfully creating everything.

This is our Immediate Future~Now.

I Am the One making this Call

in the One, for the One and as the One.

I Am the Mother/Father God

preparing the next enormous leap.