One Astounding Tree Grows 40 Kinds of Fruit!

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It’s the cultivation of years of hard work and patience conducted by Artist and Syracuse University professor, Sam Van Aken. He is responsible for creating an absolute wonder – a tree that bears 40 different kinds of fruit, achieved by harnessing an ancient technique called “chip grafting.”

The blooms of this magnificent tree are breathtaking enough, with hot pink, white, purple, and fuchsia bursting forth every spring and summer season like an Andy Warhol painting on steroids.

What is even more fascinating is that the tree preserves many heirloom varieties of stone fruit, from peaches to nectarines, and even almonds! All on the same tree!

Utilizing what Aken calls “sculpture through grafting,” he says that “I can design and essentially sculpt a tree and how it blooms.”
