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AthyrielLove's picture

We are one. I am that, I am. The hobo you just passed while walking down the street? He is a reflection of you. The rich man who you think has it all? He is a reflection of you. He is lonely on the inside. When you look at someone and see that separateness, it is only an illusion. All souls are part of one big soul. You are only experiencing this life because you were meant to learn from it and take those lessons back to yourself, the source, when you die on this plane. This is all an illusion. Life is truly what you make of it. Life is YOUR creation. It is her creation, his creation, my creation, your creation. Because, in the end, we are all one. No one is any higher or lower than us, because there is no real "I" "you" "he" "she". There is no gender. There is only soul/spirit. Realize this, and you will understand where you come from and your reason in this moment. Your existence. The bodies and people you see, are only illusions. We, you, I- am one. <3 One love people <3