Oracle for February 2015 – Attention

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by Darity Wesley

Attention: The energies and directions for the month of February are evolving around focusing our attention this entire month. What can that mean? It means that we need to understand that first of all there is much more going on than meets the eye and second of all that we can discern some of these goings on to our advantage if we focus our attention all along the way this month…so do, read on…

We have probably all heard that whatever we put our attention on is where we produce results or what we focus on expands. If we focus on what is working in our lives, we will create more of that and if we focus on what is not working in our lives we get more of that.

It works the same in relationships, if we pay attention to and focus on the complaining, the negative, the judgmental and critical attitudes of others, we get more of that. If we do not step into that mode and just continue on, focusing on our own non-complaining, positive, allowing attitude, it strengthens our balance and equilibrium rather than putting us into a lower vibration. It is about supporting everyone in our lives in feeling successful or positive and they will continue the kind of behavior that promotes those feelings.
