The Oracle Report ~ December 28

mthree's picture

By:, 12/28/2013


Saturday, December 28 - Sunday, December 29, 2013


Saturday: Third Quarter Moon Phase: realign, revise, take responsibility: Moon in Scorpio

Sunday: Balsamic Moon Phase: release, clear, compassion: Moon in Scorpio/Sagittarius

Diamond Sky Dakinis Rule This Lunar Month, Not The Mahavidyas

Fortune continues to shine on us this weekend through enhanced energy for messages, information, and guidance.  This is highlighted both days.

Saturday's energy is best navigated with the attitude of counting our blessings.  The energy is slower and asks us to take time to see the good things that we have in our lives.  What we view as blessings are directly parallel to what we truly value, and our values are under reconstruction while Venus is retrograde.  When we are in the midst of great change, great transformation, what is truly most valuable to us serves us like a stalwart lighthouse.  Lighthouses remain grounded under the harshest battering of the elements.  In every case, fall back on what you know is of foundational value.  Saturday is the last day of the Third Quarter Moon phase, so it is technically the last day of this lunar month.  We determine what we do not want to carry with us into the next lunar month. 

Sunday ushers in the Balsamic Moon phase, the phase when the veils between the worlds is thinnest.  Like the mythical realm of the fairies, it exists outside of ordinary time.  It isn't exactly part of the passing lunar month, but it also does not quite belong with the upcoming lunar month.  It's the "between time."  Balsamic phases are "ruled" by the latter half of Aquarius and all of Pisces, thus it is highly suggestible, creative, and innovative energy.  It is a time of high magic because whatever is inserted into or molded from the energy at Balsamic prepares the field (stacks the deck) for the future - specifically the next lunar month or even longer if someone is working with bigger cycles of time.  During Balsamic, the mindsets we hold, the thoughts we think, the feelings we feel, the activities we perform, etc., infuse the future.

The astrological aspects that are already in place and building toward Wednesday's New Moon in Capricorn provide an opportunity that forces aligned with power and control will find unable to resist.  The success of their efforts remains to be seen.  Certainly their ability to impact has weakened considerably since Shodashi's Wave in October (see the Archives).  There have been multiple windows of opportunity for them since Shodashi's Wave, opportunities that they have historically acted upon.  Anything they have tried has fizzled out before it could begin.

But the energetic aspects between the New Moon, Pluto, Mars, and Uranus make this opportunity a little different.  This opportunity is not only based in Capricorn energy - Capricorn ruled by the Archon homebase Saturn - but it is also highly masculine energy.  The negative form of hypermasculinity is embedded in the energy.  It's laden with aggression, dominance, surprise attack, and conflict.

The key here is the sacred masculine's response.  This is the first time we have massive masculine astrological aspects since the full return of the energy of the sacred masculine.

The sacred masculine responds by protecting all that is held by the sacred feminine.  It defends but it also disables any incoming danger.  It is wise in that it understands potential threat.  Such a threat exists between now and Thursday, January 2, 2014.

All of the wise owls here are warriors of the heart.  We uphold the freedom and beauty of the human mind and we aim towards the love of life.  Follow along the course of your life this weekend, ever-vigilent and attuned to message and insight from divine sources, but do so in "ready warrior" stance.  Be prepared to engage  - to hold the values of love, freedom, and the sanctity of nature - if "negative" events unfold.  We don't wait for anything to happen or project it (because we are actively engaged in changing the imprint of the energy and we know that the Archons and their Illuminati magicians have been dealt a serious blow to their power by our mistress Gaia-Sophia and her emissaries) but we are not surprised if something does happen.  It is wise to be aware.

Let's find our blessings and find some beauty and if you are able to snap a picture of such a thing, please feel free to share it on the Oracle Report Facebook community or email it to me at




first time user

wolverinewildcat's picture

fascinating and so much of what I feel have seen and known. I lack guidance and support system to keep whatever power I have under control, its a blessing yes under a curse of sorts. I have been  pulled apart and I have pulled apart from my pain in wondering why. I know I have direct contact to Universal Source. I need help to keep what power I have in check so as to not cause harm. I pray to the God of my understanding daily.