The Oracle Report for Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Silver's picture

By:, 01/29/2014

joes cardinal

Balsamic Moon Phase – Moon: Capricorn – Ruling Mahavidya: Kali

We have a lot going on right now with the Moon opposing the Black Moon today, the New Moon starting tomorrow, and Venus stationing direct on Friday.  But today it is most important to really plant ourselves in the present moment or we will lose the opportunity this last day of Balsamic Moon phase presents.

First off, slow down.  When the Sun is in Aquarius, we tend to move faster and faster, chasing things and taking things too far until they spin out.  So if you feel at all like the Tasmanian Devil from Looney Tunes, take note that the remedy is to slow down and be more like the a wise owl in a tree.

Second, do your own thing today.  It’s really not a day to play in collective reality.  It’s a solitary day for inner contemplation because messages, guidance, information, insight, and wisdom are on tap.  Tune out and tune in even if you are in the midst of the matrix.

And third, understand that because Venus is completing its retrograde cycle, things that seemed pretty good before may not see as good now.  Venus retrograde takes blinders off and removes obstacles.  Our feelings about relationships have changed and our views about what we truly value have undergone revision.  These internal changes now begin to manifest or reflect in the real world in the form of relationships ending or moving to another level.  We begin to use our resources (energetic resources, not just financial resources) in ways that reflect what we truly need and care about.  We are investing and re-investing differently.  This is happening to everyone, so we are also adjusting to whatever changes others are making.  All of this can cause drama.

But the most important thing is to take a step back and gain some perspective today.  Connect with the natural cycles of the Sun and the Moon by taking in the energies of the Balsamic Moon phase.  It’s the dreamy time, the time when the veils between the worlds are thinnest, and the creative time.  We touch the wellspring of Source to facilitate heaven on Earth.  Think of today as your own private party with Kali on the final day of her visit.

To take some pressure off and help us gain some perspective, check back for my audio recording about the upcoming month, the New Moon in Aquarius, and also a special report.





BrianWhisper's picture

when i went outside in this wintery morning in Louisiana the first life i saw was this bird greeting me, awesome

Brian Whisper