As Captain of my World
and for all other life,
I intend to embody
the fountain and reservoir
of Mother/Father God’s
Cosmic Love to the Earth…
I Am one with this Way;
and this Way is filled with Cosmic Virtue,
with which I desire to bless the World
So, what is one facet of the realm of 144,000
we might use to actualize the Solar Being
of Cosmic Love’s Illumination?
The Sacred Twelve.
Perhaps the most applicable now
is the Thoughtform of the Twelve Suns
of the Central Sun(s)
that our galaxies are based upon,
as far as re-creation goes.
Understand that, because of Life
choosing experimentation as part of Its Way,
the reason for 7 and or 9 Chakras/Suns
is in order to step down into
Worlds of “denser” form...
Now we are re-turning,
into a Twelve Ray Being, very quickly.
In fact, nowhere is there a precedent
on the books of such an event happening
to such a large population, anywhere!
Mother Mary speaks:
“You, beloved, are gathering all 144,000 aspects
of yourself back into this moment of Now.
It is called the Hologram.
Where every ongoing experience
or all parts of you that are Consciousness
are being assimilated into the
‘God’s outer world experience of now.’
It is all Love.
Nothing exists outside of Love…”
Here is a listing of how
these chakras may out-picture in colors.
They are “Embodied” from crown to tail bone.
Crown – Yellow Gold
third eye – Emerald Green
medulla – Aqua
throat – Blue
thymus – Magenta
heart – Pink
bottom of heart – Deep Gold
upper solar plexus – Peach
lower solar plexus – Ruby
stomach – Amethyst/Violet
sacral – Opal
base – Dazzling Crystalline White.
I Am a Solar Being on a Solar Planet
living Solar Realities.
I Am Ascended and Free…
and on and on we go.
p.s. You are not even “limited” to the above.
And our Solar Chakras are always in flux reflecting the Energy Vibration and focus of Consciousness one is using....