Out with the old and in with the new

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SummerSoulstice's picture
Out with the old and in with the new


New friends of the GFP....

I invisioned recently that I stepped out of my old form. It reminded me of a black, zippered wet suit (when deep sea diving) and then I stepped into a fresh new light suit and proceeded to zip it up. That....along with an amazing transformational year has brought me to open up to you all.

May I introduce myself to break the ice? I call myself SummerSoulstice on this website because I was born June 21 1955.

I left a lifetime religion (mormonism) a year ago and since that moment, my eyes have opened to a new life (with it's challenges)

My intent is to not just believe that we are all 'one' but to actually feel that we are all 'one' and experience the oneness of all that is. Even as I speak these words, my heart swells with love. When I ponder of my galactic family, my heart feel as though it will explode with love.

My love and respect for Mother Earth and her beauty has been a lifetime appreciation. I have always felt a sense that I am  to be on this earth but not of this world.

Thank you for your posts and messages. I come to this webpage daily for encouragement and learning. It is well worth my moments of what we call linear time.

I look forward to meeting and learning and growing more with you all. My intent is to manifest a computor (with a camera) so I may join with you for chats,meet& greet and parties.

Love, peace and joy.





Lia's picture
We Love You

Welcome To The Family Of Love, Thanks for Being Here! We are ALL ONE IN LOVE, Love The Earth Allies

Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!

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