Pam Younghans ~ NorthPoint Astrology Journal ~ Week Of 4 November 2013

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Highlighted Aspects this Week

TUE: Venus enters Capricorn; WED: Saturn conjunct Sun, Jupiter stations retrograde 9:03pm PST; THU: Neptune sextile Venus; FRI: Venus sextile Mercury; SAT: Saturn sextile Mars; SUN: Mercury stations direct 1:11pm PST

THE ENERGY of this morning’s Solar Eclipse feels a bit heavy — which is to be expected, knowing that the eclipse occurred with Saturn in close proximity to the Sun and the Moon. Saturn is not a light-hearted energy, preferring to keep us focused on the work that needs to be done, the goals we want to meet, and the responsibilities that require us to be disciplined and mature.

So, if you’re feeling that heaviness in the air today, you may be picking up on that Saturn-Sun-Moon energy field. We will likely be working with that field over the next few days, at least through the time of the exact Saturn-Sun alignment on Wednesday. This doesn’t have to be a negative experience. But it does require us to find a new level of strength and inner authority that is not thrown off by the fears and other negative emotions that can sometimes hold us hostage.

VENUS MOVES into Capricorn on Tuesday, adding another layer of practicality and responsibility to the energy mix. Venus represents what we allow to support us through the value we assign to it. This includes personal relationships, material possessions/finances, and our own self-worth.

While Venus is in Capricorn, persistence and realism in these areas are rewarded. If we abdicate responsibility, or “put off until tomorrow,” we are likely to see rapid declines. If we put in the effort and stay focused on the goal, we will see slow but steady growth.

And, looking ahead, it’s important to note that Venus will be retrograde in Capricorn from December 21, 2013, through January 31, 2014. This means that advances we make in Venus’ realms over the next six weeks will be up for review for the following six weeks, then will be finally ready to set sail in early February.

THREE OTHER PLANETS are in slow motion now, preparing to change direction. Jupiter goes retrograde (backward) on Wednesday, Mercury goes direct on Sunday, and Neptune will go direct next week. These planets are virtually “hovering” in space (as seen from Earth), and so can be seen as having greater influence at this time.

Jupiter goes retrograde for about four months every year, and will be retrograde until March 6, 2014. While retrograde planets can be seen as problematic, since their energy is focused inward instead of outward, there are many benefits to any retrograde period — especially one involving Jupiter.

HERE’S HOW astrologer Bil Tierney describes the potentials of Jupiter’s retrograde phase:

“It can be a marvelous time for gaining deeper insights into spiritual or philosophical matters, as wisdom can flow easier from the subconscious and make contact with the conscious self. Due to subjective feelings of guidance and self-assurance, we may be more optimistic about future potentials. Through a reconsideration of ideas previously overlooked or underestimated, we have the capacity to broaden our vision of what could be. Belief in self can be reinstated.”

Jupiter retrograde encourages us to look within for our faith and optimism, rather than seeking it through our environment or through others. This is a precious wisdom we all can benefit from having, to know hope and joy no matter what is occurring externally.

WITH MERCURY moving more slowly this week, our minds may be a bit sluggish as well. Leave more time for getting things done, for getting where you want to go, and for communications to be responded to.

As far as Mercury is concerned, this week is best used for a final review of projects and plans, rather than initiating anything new. And, with Mercury in Scorpio, we want to pay special attention to the motives and motivations behind anything we read or hear from others, or speak or write ourselves.

There may be particular information coming through this week and next that we will think about later and say, “I’m so glad I realized that! It makes a big difference in how I go forward from here.”


Pam / link to original article
