By Pam Younghans
Today’s photo: Comet Lovejoy as seen from from Jauerling, Austria (photo by Gerald Rhemann, posted on
IT IS PERHAPS old news that comet ISON did not survive its close encounter with the Sun in late November, at least not in its full form. As astrophysicist Karl Battams wrote on his blog, comet ISON “clearly fell apart in the hours surrounding its close brush with the Sun and now exists simply as a dusty cloud and some warm fuzzy memories.”
This means, of course, that we will not be watching a bright and lively comet ISON in the night sky this week. But its existence is still with us energetically — and even, perhaps, physically, since Earth will pass through its dust trail in mid-January.
WHEN I FOUND OUT that ISON had merged energies with the Sun, my first reaction was disappointment — but then I started wondering, what does it mean energetically, when a comet dives into the Sun? It actually has happened several times this year.
We know that energy never “disappears,” but only changes form. When I burn wood in my woodstove, the log eventually changes form, becoming both the heat that warms my home and the ash that remains in the tray.
So, as comet ISON and others follow the example of Icarus and fly too close to the Sun, we still have remnants of their physical form in the dust trails that remain — the comet’s version of ash. But the essence of these comets has merged with the Sun, which mean their energies are now radiated out into the solar system along with the Sun’s rays.
(For you scientifically adept readers, I realize this may not be clinically accurate — but be please be kind in your judgment! I’m going more with the symbolism than technical reality, which is what we do here…)
MY POINT is simply that even though we do not have a nucleus of comet ISON to watch this week, its effects are not necessarily behind us.
I’m not sure exactly why I seem to be fixated on this particular comet, since there are others (such as comet Lovejoy) still gracing the skies in spectacular fashion.
Perhaps it is the synchronicities I found between comet ISON and comets that appeared at other times in history when Pluto and Uranus were in strong aspect. Whatever the reason, I don’t seem to be able to let go of comet ISON just yet.
So, when the Earth passes through ISON’s dust trail in mid-January and we have a few more falling stars in the sky, I’m going to be out there watching, and listening internally for more insights.
GETTING BACK to our “regular programming” of watching the interactions of the planets in our solar system for the week: It looks like an interesting mix of potentials, primarily involving the Sun and Mercury, who are traveling together in early Capricorn.
On the one hand, we have lovely sextile aspects between Neptune and Sun-Mercury. These interactions represent opportunities to find a positive relationship between our “real world” goals and the guidance we receive from spirit. So, we might feel more intuitively guided when considering our next steps in life — or we could also use these aspects to bring concrete form to our spiritual or creative goals (such as starting a meditation practice or beginning a writing or artistic project).
On the other hand, we have Saturn in slightly challenging aspect to Sun-Mercury. These interactions indicate that we’ll have a few bumps in the road that will require us to refocus our attention. In other words, as much as we would like to float on the Neptunian cloud, we will realize that we need to pay attention to “reality” — perhaps because we stepped in a puddle while looking at the sky.
ON THE THIRD HAND (again, not literally!), Uranus is stepping into powerful relationships with Mars and Sun-Mercury this week. These are the biggest energies of the week, which means they will most likely get our attention.
The Uranus-Mars opposition, exact on Wednesday, provides a restless energy that emphasizes our need for change. We may be less tolerant of people with different agendas with this aspect, and will benefit from being flexible in our expectations. Breakthroughs are possible, as are breakdowns, as we juggle our desire for harmony (Mars in Libra) with our need for autonomy and independence (Uranus in Aries).
Then, next weekend, the Sun and Mercury are exactly aligned and also exactly square Uranus. This combination highlights our attachment to old goals, especially as they contrast with our very new, very different needs that are becoming harder and harder to ignore. The positive potential with this one is allowed when we relinquish our need to be consistent or in control, and allow our perspectives to be altered, perhaps in surprising and unexpected ways.
THE EFFECTS of this week’s Uranus aspects will carry forward into the New Year, and will continue to be a part of our experience during the first six months of 2014.