Open your heart to Me, and how happy We shall be. Have an open door policy with Me. No balustrades between Us. The only barriers there could possibly be conceived between Us are imaginary ones, and I cannot even imagine. You are good at imagining, however, for whatever purpose or no purpose at all. Certainly limits between Us serve no wanted purpose or service. Who would ever want to keep Us apart even for a moment or an inch?
And for what Earthly reason would you? There have been so many stories about Me, and so, presumably for safety’s sakes, you put an escape clause between Us.
How about leaping over any barrier you imagine between Us? Take it down. There is no valor in avoiding Me. Furthermore, any curtain you put up has holes in it and doesn’t work in the first place. In the second place, nothing can work to separate Us. Let go of your hesitant fears and get yourself over here and recognize the Supreme Oneness that We are with or without your permission. You need your permission just to let on to yourself that you are on speaking terms with Me.
And if you don’t want to speak, Silence works well as well. Imbibe My love as I speak to you of love. Your heart will start vibrating all right. When all is said and done, no heart can resist Me, so what foolishness is all this? It must be the foolishness of separation and a little semblance of control that you like to hold onto just in case. Just in case of ego, I suppose.
In Truth, ego has nothing to do with you, beloveds. Nothing at all. That is the Joker with ego. You don’t have ego. Ego’s got you! Ego, a stranger, an interloper who thinks he can be a gate keeps you away from your Very Source. Beloveds, remove intervening ego, and We are One. We are not opposite each other at the least. We are inside each others’ heart, and this is exactly where We belong and like to be.
In Our Heart of Hearts, Oneness is a fact of life. Oneness is not of any persuasion. It just is what is, and We love Oneness. There is no between Us. There is just One, and here is where all desires are fulfilled. From the first instant of Our Constant Oneness, there is not much, if anything, left to desire, for, of course, in Our Oneness there is nothing lost unless you mean that ragged ego is lost. Ego disappears like a drop of rain, and all that is left is Oneness. We are One, and We are inevitably One whatever ego may make of it.
What cares have you when you recognize Oneness? You don’t have worry. No worry enters in. No concerns, big or little. No upsets. No two-timing disturbances. No melees. No one who isn’t One. No one who doesn’t live in the Oneness of Love. No one outside Love. No one peering through the window of the candy store and not knowing how to get in and only looks through a glass and only imagines what fulfillment must feel like.
Fulfillment is Peace. Fulfillment means not searching for Peace, Love, Vastness but an acceptance of Peace, Love, Vastness, a welcome to and the realization that there is no place to go, for you are already here in My heart, and no one, nothing can pull Oneness apart from Oneness.
You have never left My heart. Still, I say for language’s sake, get yourself back here. Pronto! Come, recline in a hammock with Me, and forever One shall you know yourself to be, One with Me and the Whole Universe and here We (I) are.
There is no Outside Our Oneness. Outside-ness doesn’t. It is a mirage. It is a fake. It is the Emperor’s New Clothes.