Phoenix Journals Jun 11, 2012 - PJ #95 " HEAVE-UP ", chapter 5 & 6.

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Phoenix Journals
PJ #95 " HEAVE-UP ", chapter 5 & 6.
By GYEORGOS CERES HATONN, transcribed by Roel & Christ.
Jun 11, 2012 - 12:00:00 AM

PJ 95



FRI., MAY 13, 1994 10:04 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 270

FRI., MAY 13, 1994


I realize it is very nice for you to get confirmation of things of which I share, from Earth-level humans from the "inside". So, in that vein, today is a good day.

You all want to know to the moment when something will happen and I remind you that as long as man can tamper--it is impossible to calculate all the probabilities and possibilities. But let us look this day at the economy and what is afoot and PLANNED for the FIRST WEEK OF JULY, 1994.


There is a terrible confusion as to just "how" to handle a money (currency) shift. It TODAY appears (and this comes from some Treasury Department operatives) that the more simple way to handle the money is back again to the colored currency already printed, dispersed and waiting at appropriate outlet locations. It can later then be shifted into legitimate "dollar" accounting within the Treasury Department of the Government.

That change-out is scheduled for, and I suggest you simply count on the 1st but I suspect it will be offered around your holiday of July 4th which will fall on a Monday.

The gold in amounts enough to cover a gold-standard BASE in the U.S. was received in the U.S. LAST WEEK in massive quantities. There is more where that came from but this is plenty to now finalize plans for change-out. The "bugs" have now been pretty well worked out of the system and it appears there is no reason to change the plans from this point on.

A lot of political "stuff" has been bargained for silencing UNTIL after July one, so you can guess that this is pretty accurate as to probability. Just HOW they will do it is not important at this moment.

How do I know about these things? Because I and mine have been involved in the transactions since before any of your nerds were aware--we set up the scenario and, yes indeed, our people are involved. I can guarantee you that the Phoenix Institute for Research & Education, Ltd., for you participants, WILL NO LONGER BE UNDER CONSIDERATION FROM IMPACT FROM THE "DARK" CRUSADERS!

There are some 150,000 TONS of gold now in the states--ready. The valuation will be at approximately today's value but I believe you can see that there will have to be a greater incline in value as we move along. It is not necessary for there is more metal but, to base a currency for nations, the value of the metal will need to match the flow. We have spoken of this often so I will not concern with it here.

So what about involvement with a Space Command? Chelas, there have always been at least one Pleiadian on the Com-12 (MJ-12) Council since onset and I am in direct communications CONSTANTLY as is Comte. St. Germaine who would be better recognized as a Phalyr from the Osirus Group than a Pleiadian as such but comes most recently from the Pleiadian system as recognized from Orion as a Physion. I would more closely resemble that which would be recognized as an Arquilion. (Meaning: Arc as in Arch "angel" and "lion" meaning place of the Christ--or Godhead. I represent "the places of the Lion". Believe it or not--it matters not, to me, whether or not this is reasonable or that you can "believe it"! My TEAM is coming together nicely and they are now becoming aware of what their task is in this reclamation of a nation and humanity. Ones of our "races" who sit to your councils are into the multiple of hundreds (in years of your counting) of age. THE ARQUILIONS have been recognized forever but until now the motivation of presence has been unknown. That is because we are the HOSTS of GOD and THAT IS our motivation. We are the informers (teachers, messengers) to prepare and reclaim in goodness that which has fallen into evil and unbalance. We are the ones sent to bring God's children home to safety and the security of the Father's wings. WE ARE THE PHOENIX! WE HAVE RETURNED!

Some who know of the councils and who attends will be asking me who is who and which is which? No, I do not want my scribe to know that information as of yet. Suffice it to say, that things are flowing nicely--and you are seeing the interesting and mysterious way in which God performs HIS WONDERS!


There is still far too much which is too dangerous for Dharma to carry in her consciousness so we will not speak of it--there will be more and more confirmations coming from elsewhere so that the picture will become more clearly seen.

I suggest you be prepared for whichever course the Big Boys set up. This can mean anything from very limited exchange amounts per person to a phase-in of colored paper.

The first approach was to bottom-out the system through total collapse but that can now be averted by the stabilization by gold. This would not save the "market" but the "market" is the Elitist manipulation toy anyway. If you are among my people--I suggest you seriously contemplate getting out of the market, but I have suggested that for some time now. How about buying gold? Well, I can't speculate for if things go downhill, there may well be a confiscation of excess stored gold to control supply and demand as to value.

Will this "fix" everything? NO, partly because of the outstanding and MASSIVE debts which are legitimate--against the U.S., such as the "Treasurygate" debts, Gold Certificates, etc. However, it is one reason you can expect a heavy rise in gold prices because of this massive value demand. The Big Boys will tell you this is ALL of the gold available--IT IS NOT! However, there is a great difference in the very low per ounce price paid for the metal and what the new value will reach which CAN bail out your national obligations. I am not talking about the banker's debts that they have socked you with--I believe you should toss out all the bank's illegal deals. But, we'll see what you as a nation of sleepyheads will do about it....

I ask that you not nag me further about this for I will offer suitable bulletins as we move along and I personally am not interested in YOUR personal druthers or game-playing to get the most for the least. We are about God's work and have no intent to play a game of "get the most". You who have shared generously will gain reward and this is your message. You who have just wanted to tinker while pulling our work DOWN, had better just watch out because the government is going to be onto everybody like super-glue so, if you have not bothered to learn your guidance lessons--be most cautious, is my suggestion.

PJ 95



SAT., MAY 14, 1994 10:03 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 271

SAT., MAY 14, 1994


As we sit to write this morning, let me first take time to say some things which will be confounding and disconcerting to many of you readers. However, as you ponder upon the REALITY of existence and the things which must be accomplished, you will, hopefully, find insight into the various facets of necessary sequence.

Yesterday I broached the subject of various brother-tribes. I purposely left out those who are just "experiencing" and "observing" because we have neither the time nor space at this point to go into those details at this time.

However, as you are coming into a whirlpool of information and ones are beginning to experience truth in pathway (and most of you who "think" this is happening to you--it is NOT!), we must begin to merge activities. I will NOT give forth information "before its time" but our people need insight as well as the readers who simply dig for the sensationalism, mystic perceptions and/or guidelines. Our thrust in action will always be a shifting off to the HUMAN expression who KNOWS--and I DO NOT speak of spiritual advancement for I find almost no truthbringers scattered about. Almost all those that I experience and observe have tainted their teachings with that which they, as humans, find expeditious and suitable AS HANDED DOWN THROUGH GENERATIONS--AND IS ALMOST ALL INCORRECT.

Our journey today is to open the roadways to Truth in experience through the gifted leaders being awakened to their role. YOU will not agree with almost all of the ones CHOSEN as, in some manner or another, you will find it against teachings you perceived were of God and Creator's blessings. Remember, as I have told you before, YOU HAVE NO IDEA OF THE REALITY OF GOD, ALIEN SPACE BROTHERS OR, IN FACT, YOUR OWN PROJECTION INTO THIS "PLAY".

I, for instance, can give you in detail the difference in my Command and that which is generally recognized as "Ashtar's" command. Why is there difference? Why are there different races and species on your planet? "Ashtar", itself, in terminology, is "a Command", not a cute little space being. There IS a Commander and for identification this Commander is recognized by simply, "Ashtar". I have almost NOTHING to do with THAT Command. It is a tremendously large BRAIN, as in computer system. Your closest thing to this system would be recognized as your computer system called "the Beast". Is Ashtar a Beast? Well, I guess, sometimes--but that is beside the point. His purpose is to tag every living being and would, at a time of necessary evacuation, have every living thing "wire tapped" for expeditious removal or "rejection". St. Peter? Perhaps. I suggest you STOP your silly efforting to find secret mysticism in everything. Example? JerUSAlem! This is pure balderdash and a game of distraction. What's in a name? Anything you want to choose to be in a name.

What we are about these days is early awakening to understanding that in some of these "Committees", even the perceived "Dark" councils--sit what you call extraterrestrials.. I assure you that on at least one very, very important Council--sit at least two alien brothers who were present among your "Founding Fathers". Ah, indeed, they are old--but when you are not concerned about ‘AGE', the expeditious takes precedence over the observed generality.

So, who am I? I am that which represents the Hosts--or the "Wayshowers" of Lighted Grace and expression of goodly portent, intent and perfection in those intentions. This DOES NOT MEAN that the majority of the "visitors" are even goodly sports--most are NOT. Therefore, "a couple of goodly actions and all will be fine and dandy", is NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!

You will, however, be given "the method (way) to transfer the basic structure into one of honor, integrity and equality of acceptance" as you move through the passages and activities. God always provides THE WAY if man will but choose that particular passage. Man has never shown any desire to achieve such perfection, so mostly the exercises become more Earth-binding experiences instead of learning Truth into KNOWING soul perfection.

Do "I" have the most "clout"? , YES--but I and mine are not interferers or interventionists. We are here to see to our mission: bringing the WORD, the TRUTH and the LIGHT. In other words, the actions of physical plane will be as "man" allows or structures it to be. We will build places for remnant (ours) passage and lay a foundation of example and production and service while making available the transportation to necessary security of OUR people. Anyone who wishes to BECOME one of OUR people is certainly welcome to join us, and you aren't going to be able to tell by skin color, size, breed, or anything, who those are. You had best go look into the mirror and then consider your own ACTIONS and you can discern, pretty well, if you are honest. Pretending will not "cut it" longer, good buddies, for it will be your soul intent that brings the final sorting, placement and JUDGMENT of self as projected. It is from WITHIN that the KNOWING of status is recognized--no matter where you are, who you are, or your purpose here. If the response to the "image" is more excuses, a new tale of lies to fool mankind--so be it. If you REALLY believe the lies, you had better take a really good hard look at self--because simple brain function knows when you lie and when you speak truly. "I" don't care which you are or do--except as to how it affects MY PEOPLE. YOU are certainly most welcome to DENY me or my existence. It is not my business as to what you think about me. More important: WHAT MIGHT I THINK ABOUT YOU? So, to answer that one--basically, I don't think about you at all if you deny me. Further, if you DENY me before God and Men, I MOST CERTAINLY SHALL DENY YOU BEFORE GOD. Moreover, I shall allow the adversary to do that which he will--with you. This is usually a rather dastardly and mean evolvement of physically negative responses.

When we find ones who involve themselves deliberately and detrimentally within or against my mission or my people, I turn them over to those entities who function in such capacity of game-keeper or warden. What happens with those entities is, again, not my business. Your church doctrines and teachers thereof have so lied to you from their own ignorance as to be amusing if it were not so incredibly dastardly. NO, I do not expect a BIG lift-off or a "RAPTURE" of any sort in transition into GLORY! I do expect a lot of physical deaths and ascension as recognized by "soul's" infinite ability to continue. There are a lot of souls already departed through migration--both good and bad. You are populated by millions of soulless beings experiencing a physical expression.

As to "Prophecies", I would say that there are as many possible "endings" to YOUR PLAY as there are ones of you. However, the reason you can count on "prophecies" as written (no matter how written) to be fulfilled is because the writers of the play are already in control--subject to possibilities of "free-will mankind" changing his mind. There will not, however, be a mass turnabout of ALL mankind prior to depopulation of the planet and clearance of the numbers of inbred "animal" life. How do you note "animal" vs. souled man? Sometimes you obviously can't. However, you can look into that which breaks ALL laws of God and Creation and discern pretty well who you would want to travel in your adjacent seat on the plane. If he advocates illicit, illegal and horrendous behavior while spreading deadly disease with every breath--you would not desire his presence as your mate, now, would you? Spouting "unconditional love" will NOT CUT THE MUSTARD, my good friends. That very spouting becomes the biggest lie of all and dirties the name and the terms: goodness, love and Godliness. GOD IS LOADED WITH CONDITIONS, AND SELECTION AND DISCIPLINE ARE ULTIMATELY HIS!

I always am both amused and astounded that you would think that I, as Commander of a mission, would be a sleazy wimp of some kind. What makes ye think these stupid thoughts? Ah, I thought so--those nice teachers who drain you of your assets while pointing at another, and lead you through the tin rings through thine noses. Tin? Yes, for THEY TAKE THE GOLD and let you blame OTHERS that ye have but sharp-edged tin bindings.

But you disagree? Why? How? WHO CARES? If you want naught to do with me or mine--go thine way! Where did you COME BY YOUR PERCEPTIONS? ARE THEY REALLY BUILT ON TRUTH IN FOUNDATION? Oh, you have read a thing or two that I have spoken? You have even sat in on a meeting or two? And, you didn't like the discipline and unattachment of myself and my program? I do not have a "church" or "group", "commune" or "mystical game-playing bunch of acceptors at all idiotic costs!" I HAVE A MISSION! I WILL FULFILL MY MISSION AS WILL MY TEAM! What good does it do to go into groupies and deny, taunt, assault and babble about those who choose to work in God's vineyards? What gains you in this endeavor?

I am interested in Leon's notation that he "still shares things from the CONTACT which seem suitable...." So? Good, but am I supposed to be pleased, humble, touched, irritated or??? I do not note the name on the subscription listing! Further, when the next thing you speak is that "the wildlife at Ekkers' eat better than some of the people...!" Unconditional love? You came, Leon, enjoyed and WERE PAID for whatever work you did around the home that USED TO BE EKKERS. Good grief, you people, the Phoenix Church of Christ is domiciled in Phoenix, Arizona--it is not something belonging to Ekkers!! How dare you ones speak in such total ignorance and lies?!?! as you project around the nation. Do you expect ME to have no anger, no loss of patience? Forget it, good brothers, not only do I respond--in anger, but I am to that very point at this very moment and when the sword of truth falls upon the necks of the liars and cheats--it will be an interesting thing. I DO NOT PROTECT THOSE WHO DENY ME! Creator can do that which He will--NOT ME!


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