Pineal Gland Part 2 – Connection to Spirit and Activation ~ Dr. Terry Willard

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pineal gland third eye 300x238 Pineal Gland Part 2 – Connection to Spirit and Activation

As men­tioned in ear­lier Blogs, the pineal gland has many inter­est­ing and curi­ous con­nec­tions to spirit. Often called the ‘Third Eye’ this small endocrine gland, buried deep in the cen­ter of the brain, has become the focus of many mas­ters and shamans of the past. It has been claimed to be the ‘prin­ci­ple seat of the soul’, play­ing a promi­nent role in the mythol­ogy of the Egyp­tians, Tibet Bud­dhists, Roman Catholic Church, philoso­phers, sci­en­tists and even the found­ing fathers of the U.S.A.  Some say it is the Holy Grail. The pineal gland has light recep­tors (sim­i­lar to our eyes) cre­at­ing insight into our ‘mind’s eye.’ It appears to have a con­nec­tion to dreams, hal­lu­ci­na­tions, near death expe­ri­ences, abduc­tions and even visions. But what is its con­nec­tion to spirit or other dimensions?

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