Pleiadian Message from Peter: Shut them down.

lawrence lu's picture


Pleiadian Message from Peter: Shut them down.

26th May, 2012

Greetings to our ground crew and Earth brothers and sisters. This is Peter, and I do apologize for our long delay in communication. We have been very, very busy, as you can probably guess. As you know, we are the surveillance crew – the hunters and gatherers of intel for the Galactic Federation of Light and Ashtar Command and a few others who have joined us at this time. We pretty much snoop around the satellites and intercept what the cabalists think is "top secret" and "highly confidential" communication. We assure you it is not. We have extremely diligent code crackers, and, of course, we speak all languages – even the very obscure ones that they try to use from time to time.

So, yes, we have been busy filtering their whirlwind of communication, and we can tell you that they are most assuredly in a panic over all the recent bank officials resignations and other financial blunders that are all now out in the open. And they have been in this panic for some time now. As you have been hearing for some time now from many other channels, they know that they are defeated. Some of them are still trying to hide out and prolong their own arrests, but we all know their exact whereabouts, and, in time, with the proper warrants in place, they will soon find themselves completely incapacitated.

We know you all loathe the "soons," but we cannot give you exact dates, otherwise they will know exactly when, themselves, and they might try to pull another fast one. It's not their "escape" that we worry about. They can never escape. It is their ability to do harm to others that we worry about. We're not talking nukes and missiles. We assure you that the big guns have been disarmed. It is the smaller arsenals of weaponry they have stockpiled all over the Earth that we currently can't do anything about. There is still free will. And they are still being given the option to use it to either make good for themselves or to buy themselves a one-way ticket to no-man's land. We ask you at this time, out of the goodness of your hearts, to focus on them making the right choices for themselves. Send them light and love and this will encourage better behavior. At the very least, it will ensure the safety of innocent people in their path.

You have all become very, very powerful in the past few months. Collectively you have been combining your energies and powers in extraordinary ways to create magnificent changes on your planet. Excellent work. We applaud and commend you! We are quite sure that you are feeling the improvements already as you incorporate more and more of the positive energy that is being gifted to you and Mother Earth.

Many of you are discovering that there really is nothing to fear. That you are actually far more powerful than you ever thought yourselves to be. You are learning that when you join together in loving ways, you can change things in a positive way without force or violence. You are learning that love is all there is, and, when you apply it in liberal amounts, it can soften even the hardest of hearts and harshest conditions.

Now, for those of you who are impatient about the financial situation, we have a suggestion for you. Nothing "new" will ever come to you until your current system completely fails. At this time, many of you are still paying these very thugs who control you. And you are completely funding their control over you. Do you realize that, dear ones? Has this thought crossed your mind at all? How many credit cards do you have in your wallets? Consider the department store cards, too. Who is the real financial institution behind those? Don't know? Look into it. You will find that many of the larger world banks are the owners of your debts, and they are still benefitting from your monthly payments on all of your loans and credit cards. If you are still paying them, you are contributing to keeping them afloat. So now we have to ask you…


Why are you keeping them afloat?

The financial system won't fully collapse, dear ones, until you collectively say "no more."

That's right. YOU are the ones who hold that power. YOU are the ones who must collapse the financial system.

If you want your new system RIGHT NOW, that is.

We have watched you collectively organize global meditations. We have watched you gather in huge numbers to protest all over your planet. And we have watched you continue to struggle.

Look, standing up for your beliefs and protesting, that's all well and good, but, at this point, we see it as wasted energy when you can all just very simply – but it must be collectively – just stop paying these people who control your world.

If EVERYONE stops paying, we ask you…what could they possibly do?

Go take a look right now at all your amounts due this month to loans and credit cards. Total it up. What is the amount? Wouldn't that be put to better use putting food on your table and funding YOUR efforts to make this planet a better one? Or, perhaps, you can help out a family member or friends who are struggling to meet their own basic needs.

So here is your mission, should you choose to accept it, ground crew. Organize an enormous collective to stop paying monthly bills in the month of June. Just STOP. All across the globe. Worldwide. Shut down the banks. Stop funding their control over you. Stop paying them and render them powerless.

Do this, and you will have your new financial system (or non-financial system) by July.

Again…it is all up to you.

What are you waiting for?

I am Peter, member of the Pleiadian 500 and affiliate of the Pleaidian Council of Light. We love and adore you, and we implore you to empower yourselves at this time. We are behind you 100 percent.

Please spread this far and wide, but do not alter any of the communication, and please make reference to


Bye bye

LongFrost's picture

I love this, want to kick it up a notch? We all have a good idea who the glabalist ecomonic parasiets are, but a definitive and vrifiable list of the corporations in league with "Dark Powers that Were", would help the instigation of a en masee stock sell off by all doe with the system of parasitism. Sell the stock and their companies colapse and well what do you know a economic crash that I think might well outpace the idea above(although a great idea, you all know me I like to go right for the throat. Try walking or bicycing every where to get the point across to the Oil cartels. Refuse any unethical buisness practice. Thimk globaly act locally. There are a million ways to make the impact. Here is another good one, stop buying bottled water. Stop buying goods that are made in countries with no regard for environmental protection. Stop buying anything Monsanto(GMO) which ultimatelly means dtop supporting the global factory farm system. Pass on the Student Loans paymanets. Or the ultimate banker collapse. Take YOUR  money out of your 401K if there is any left and withdraw all YOUR money from anybank account and start paying in cash. Don't just withdraw it, then don't spwnd it on ANYTHING you don't absolutelly need for minimum survival. Stop supporting Walmart(right in there with DPW as well))  If you do spend money spend it in your local economy at Mom and Pop stores WallyWord hasn't eaten up  and removed yet. Stop doing Meth and Herion, cuz they are there for same reasons, your suffering. Stop buying video games. Stop, just stop. If it doesn't resonate with the New we are creating, don't fiscally support it. Pretty simple. Two weeks'ish  of thisness and the Economy will end as we know it. You pull out your stock and 401K and the derivatives market will fall flat on it's face whuch is the real tipping point in my vew. Start placing adds in news paers demanding a legitimate system that doesn't rob the many for the few. So very few.

  Stop the frivolatry. Go, go gadget stand off. The dolar is worth  negative numbers any ways, what's the differance really. Fearing the collapse is only slowing it down. No fear=no banks. Remember the ultimate sufferer in this conversation, Mother Earth. Chop, chop. If you don't think you can do it, I live on ~$786 U.S. dollars a month  on Dissability and go broke half way through the month, every month. Some of you are blowing through 2K a week. Stop, just stop. 

Long winded as always.   - J.K. Beauchamp

Stop them...... I live on

grailheart magi's picture

Stop them...... I live on $763 a month... just do it!  I am not eating today....I am in love!