POWER PATH FULL MOON UPDATE ~JAN 15, 2014 ~ Lena Stevens & Pat Liles

Lia's picture


Dear Friends, FULL MOON is Wednesday, January 15 at 9:54 PM MST (Mountain Standard Time). Treat this full moon similarly to an equinox or solstice.

Focus on what you wish to end, clean up, clean out, change, or reboot. It is the transition between one chapter (the last few weeks) and the next one. Make sure you do not drag your experience of the last few weeks into the next few weeks. We recommend doing a burning ceremony or something that honors that you are entering into a new time frame where a different experience is possible.

We have been in an energy that has been robust but not necessarily moving. This will change. This is a full moon where it may be best to stop what you have been doing and just simply do something fun for yourself. The discipline and focus of the warrior energy has been serious and hard working. So take this opportunity to take a break from it all and do something spontaneous, fun and luxurious for yourself. Pampering would be nice as well as upgrading the quality of your life in some way through whatever you end up doing for yourself.



ASTROLOGICAL NOTES: written by Patricia Liles. Contact her at PATLILES@aol.com


Sun in Capricorn, Moon in CANCER ~ 26º

Wednesday, January 15 9:52 PM Mountain Time
(Thurs. January 16 4:52 AM Greenwich Mean Time)

Let the only Full Moon in Cancer this year cast a glow upon your EMOTIONAL SELF and strengthen your INTUITION and RECEPTIVITY. SELF-NOURISHMNET ~ SELF-CARE should be your focus under this winter Moon.

This Moon can open the watery pathways leading to the heart and the intimate center of the self. Family, home, ancestors, our foundations, and how our security needs are met occupy the arena of the Cancer archetype.

When we understand our most personal essence, then we can seek a place out in the world to express and give it and that is what the Capricorn theme supports - our career, our mission, recognition in the outer world, our authority and responsibility issues played out in the public arena.

Cancer-Capricorn calls forth The Mother-Father for us all, or the balance between our personal and professional lives. Under the Moon's full power this week, we may feel issues arise of how we were parented, how we nurture our self and others, the joy of giving, or how we have come to live with a hardened shell to defend our tender, vulnerable feeling parts.

Cancer rules the breasts with their life giving, nurturing capacities and the stomach that receives and absorbs nourishment for the whole organism.

No wonder Cancer is intimately entwined with food, cooking, and nourishment, and also with the care and nurturing of Mother Earth from which all nourishment arises. As the first water sign of the zodiac adds emotional consciousness, family and our relationship to the natural world become part of our intimate self.

LET YOUR HEART BE WASHED CLEAR OF BLOCKED EMOTIONAL FLOW. If a little eruption is necessary, so be it. Flow is the nature of this water sign Moon.


This Full Moon chart is divided along the four main corners of the zodiac – URANUS in Aries opposite MARS in Libra crossed by JUPITER in Cancer opposite PLUTO in Capricorn.

Though this Grand Cross configuration is not yet exact in degree until April, various planets like the Sun, Moon, Venus, the asteroids add energy to this formation as they pass these planets. The purpose of this sort of energetic event is to squeeze us. It increases the pressure to let go of what we have known as familiar and expand what we have previously been capable of.

If you're feeling a lot of pressure in your life, you're most likely resisting changes that need to happen to keep you vibrantly in the flow of life. Those with strong faith or just fed up with a heavy, dead tone to their lives or just for no apparent reason are leaping forward embracing experiences they couldn't even imagine being capable of.

VENUS is helping us. She's still retrograde until the end of the month and being in a practical sign, she's bringing great joy in the cleaning out of the old and rearranging for aesthetic pleasure, and her aspect from MARS is helping us clean out and rearrange with a vengeance to better reflect our New Year's intentions!

NEPTUNE is encouraging day dreaming and connecting with the planes where we envision our future manifestations. Time is not wasted under this Full Moon if you are taking time to create in your mind's eye exactly what you would like to see unfold in your life. GET INTO THE DETAIL, THE FEELING LEVEL. Let your heart open wide enough to encompass all the suffering on the planet, surround it in light and let it be held in love.

JUPITER will be expanding the already abundant emotional blessings from the Moon late Tuesday evening. There are gems to be found in that sea of ripe, fullness that the Moon in her own sign of Cancer brings ~ search in your DREAMS, SUBCONSCIOUS URGES , and INTUITIVE INSIGHTS.

01/19 Sun enters Aquarius

01/30 New Moon in Aquarius 11º at 2:38 PM Mountain

02/12 Mercury goes retrograde until 02/28

02/14 Full Moon in Leo 26º at 4:54 PM Mountain

For those of you interested in a call for support from the water elementals, follow this link to an article by one of the founders of Findhorn, David Spangler, about a recent experience:


Written by Patricia Liles. Contact her at PATLILES@aol.com

[my caps]
