Prayer fo the Day ...Love

lauriergg's picture

Love combines in a circle

interlaced with all our loved ones and people we know.

Sometimes the circle is made of smiles                                                          

and every breath is a miracle.                                                                             

 Sometimes the circle is made of tears  and life becomes a dark place.

Love knows suffering has a purpose

of developing compassion for self and the suffering in others.                                  

Every breath allows a knowing

that we all feel pain, loneliness, regrets and uncertainty.


It takes courage to experience smiles with tears and

allow the heart to trust.

Potentials create opportunities

to experience new perspectives to flow into our lives.


Love shows the way

in one big circle of smiles and  tears.

There is no beginning and no end,

just a big vortex of circular light energy

that is us.  Thank you for being in my life,

for being here to read this, for that  I am deeply grateful.