Preparing Healers For The Aftermath Of The Event

Reiki Doc's picture

Look at the hand of the child as it reaches for the hand of the mothe. Can you feel the trust and love of the mother-child relationship? The child has every right to believe that it is going to be well-taken care of, and given what it needs to grow. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD, happens when this basic right to 'be' is violated tragically. The victim feels powerless, and experiences threat to their very existence at the hands of others or or natural disaster. The key in psychological terms is the victim has survived something 'outside the range of normal human experience'. In doing do, the brain 'switches' to a different kind of memory recording system. Like the 'black box' in an airplane, the 'black box' in the brain are the memories that are encoded in the presence of high levels of norepinephrine (a powerful neurotransmitter and pressor like adrenaline). These are the memories which might get 'buried' because the subconscious is unable to cope with them (it would overwhelm the individual--the subconscious goes into 'protective mode'), or may remain conscious to some extent. I will talk more about the aftermath of these memories later, but for now, let us explore the types of violent experiences that encode the memories of PTSD: Rape War Torture Assault Ritual Abuse Large-scale natural disaster Witnessing the above in another person What does it feel like when you go through one of these experiences? I know, I speak first-hand as a survivor. (continue here:

Another resource for healers will be these two links around the time of the Event: (I will be posting here 'live' as computer access permits)