A Preview of Coming Attractions

David Porter's picture


This morning I went for a ten mile run-about and noticed that the few chemtrails in the sky were dissipating quickly, the sky was 99.9% clear and beautiful. This told me “they” tried.


The reason I point this out is that this is a definite preview of coming attractions, as this is Saturday, Oct, 20th when witnessed this and is the day before profound energy influxes to us. Not to mention a 9.0M class solar flare. Why are “they,” the cabal not blocking this?


Are they running out of steam, low on ammo, funds, know-how, time, partners, minions resigning? Is a wall of seven billion people too tall to conquer when a significant number of us unite together? 


The ones that worked for the cabal by force or other means that remain because they are just at the level of frequency needed to qualify for a 3D vibratory environment, they will be on a planet or ship just right for them. Due to cercumstances, some may evolve higher as they may have been more in service to the Light than the cabal.


Although the ones that “enjoyed” their work with the cabal, will they be the ones now holding the sign out that says: “Will work for GMO food and fluoride water and can’t contract to dump anymore chemtrails, lost my job, so I’ll be Okay outside now.”


As for the leaders of these atrocities, they are due for, let’s be gentle, a reuniting into the Central Sun, a kind of spontaneous combustion of sorts. We can thank them later for all the kindness they showed in coming all the way out here just to show us what we no longer want.


Whether on not we are at the day of that turning point, we are now close enough to be advised that stock piling toilet paper is not the priority of the day. Although it is time to wipe the old slate clean.


By now you should have well noticed how many “old” memories of drama, guilt, shameful acts, doubt, anger and fear based-self-defeating programs have returned to you, over and over again? And the closer we come to that infamous time near end year, the more of this you will see and feel as time gradually, but surely continues to compress.


“Blaze, Blaze, Blaze, the Violet Fire, transmuting all shadow

into Light, Light, Light.”


This decree will greatly assist you. Each time the old comes up for view or review, recite this 3 times, and when more old comes up, repeat it over and over again all day long as many times as the old arrives in your awareness.


One day you will recite this and all of a sudden you will feel a genuine release, relief, relinquishment of what in that now moment, you realize was a set of very heavy burdens you carried. In this you will become acutely aware that you have just given this baggage over to The One Who knows what to do with it. No longer bumping around in the darkness, something you won’t have to be told, your Light will have turned on~


There will be no more bumping around in the dark "soon" and when I say "soon," allow me to pin it down to the day for you. 12/21/2012, this day is the day that the earth no longer makes it circles around the Sun outside of the Photon Belt. Talk about some kind of "back up!!!" You may have heard the expression that, "time is on my side?" you are about to find out just how much "real time" is on your side. It is acually Light that is on your side now.


Keep one thing in mind with this, where ever there is a void, something will fill it, like bugs on a hot summer night coming to a bright light. Be sure during this process that you are projecting Love to every living being, giving thanks in all things, and know that you are a particle of all things as all things are a particle of you. The simple goal here is to fill this void filled with “Love Bugs.”





David Porter, Author of the series

Remember Who You Are, book one, The Awakening,



A Preview Of Coming Attractions

Ra-Raela's picture

It is imperative, that we get out of this duality "US, and Them" thinking. We've all been on "team negative" and "team positive"! There is only one life being lived! This is the God Game and God is all the players in the play, and all of the spectators observing the play. God is the one who moves the props and the curtain and chooses the roles and the various costumes. Us and them thinking is disempowering. Nothing wrong with not liking the play, or rooting or not rooting for certain actions in the play. Just keep in mind, who's behind the mask. Just a friendly reminder. ;P



I very much agree with your

Demitra M. N.'s picture

I very much agree with your sentiments, David. I certainly can appreciate the manner in which you apply words to convey perspective. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

Loved It!

drmoe's picture

Great share as we get closer and closer to Home. I want to clean out every part of my house now, as I do so within.  Just keep scrubbing those walls and dumping the residue until I and my environment are sparkly clean.


Keep them doggies rollin, "rawhide"


Dr Moe