Private Prisons Can Sue States For Not Having Enough Prisoners

Galactic Free Press's picture

Source: | Original Post Date: June 23, 2015 –


In America, most prisons are owned by private corporations. Private corporations like to make money. Lots of money. Empty prison beds do not make money, so many states are being urged into contracts with the prisons, pledging to keep the prison anywhere from 70% to 97% full, at all times. So where does the average person come in?

Maybe the average American is not all that affected, but many will be. Parole boards will be urged to deny incarcerated people parole. People will be sent to prison on relatively minor offenses. This will happen, if it’s not already, because when these contracts are in place, when the prison has a contract to keep beds full, they have to pay the corporation whether someone is in that bed or not. That money, dear people, comes from your tax dollars.
